Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro I have a degree in Chemistry and a technician in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis. I work as a senior FPII technician. Research support. I am in the group of Translational Molecular Pathology of Dr. Santiago Ramon y Cajal. My job is to develop techniques and collaborate on research projects in the field of Molecular Biology. Institutions of which they are part Research technician Translational Molecular Pathology Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Email Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro Email Institutions of which they are part Research technician Translational Molecular Pathology Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca I have a degree in Chemistry and a technician in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis. I work as a senior FPII technician. Research support. I am in the group of Translational Molecular Pathology of Dr. Santiago Ramon y Cajal. My job is to develop techniques and collaborate on research projects in the field of Molecular Biology.
Degree in Chemistry and Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis Technician. I have been working in the healthcare field since 1989, initially in clinical analysis laboratories where I have a lot of experience in special biochemistry analysis and chromatography. From 2007 to the present I work at the VHIR, in the group of Translational Molecular Pathology of Dr. Santiago Ramon y Cajal. My functions are the development of new Molecular Biology techniques, I have experience in all types of molecular techniques (PCR, qPCR, RT-PCR, sequencing, NGS), as well as their subsequent use. I collaborate in research projects doing the molecular techniques part of the studies. from DNA and RNA extractions to performing molecular techniques. corresponds to them. I have papers and posters as a contributor.
Projects inhibición de la comunicación celular para la prevención del desarrollo de metástasis y la resistencia a terapias antitumorales. Desarrollo de dos nuevas aproximaciones terapéuticas IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Collaborators: Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro, Josep Castellví Vives, Sara Garcia Ortega, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Javier Hernandez Losa, Marta Sese Faustino, Stefan Hummer, Lourdes Elena Salazar Huayna Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding: 240000 Reference: PI23/01754 Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026 Patologia molecular translacional IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Collaborators: Cleofé Romagosa Pérez-Portabell, Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro, Jordi Temprana Salvador, Teresa Moline Marimon, Jessica Camacho Soriano, Carmela Iglesias i Felip, Josep Castellví Vives, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Elena Antima Martinez Saez, Javier Hernandez Losa, Marta Sese Faustino, Vicente Peg Camara, Irene Sansano Valero, Trond Aasen, Stefan Hummer Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Funding: 40000 Reference: 2021 SGR 01138 Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025 Protuberancias intercelulares reguladas por Cx43 en cáncer: elucidación funcional, descubrimiento de objetivos, desarrollo de biomarcadores y detección de tumores IP: Trond Aasen Collaborators: Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro, Jordi Temprana Salvador, Teresa Moline Marimon, Marta Sese Faustino, Irene Sansano Valero, Stefan Hummer Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding: 147620 Reference: PI21/00470 Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2026 Targeting the MNK/eIF4E axis in cancer: a rational approach to enhance tumor sensitivity to chemo- and immunotherapy. IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras Collaborators: Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro, Teresa Moline Marimon, Josep Castellví Vives, Marta Sese Faustino, Stefan Hummer Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding: 123420 Reference: PI20/01687 Duration: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2023 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page › Last page »