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The aim of this eCORE is the study of those diseases that have a global impact in society. The groups will promote research diseases that affect a large number of people in order to improve society’s well-being and public health. At the moment, eleven groups have a primary affiliation to this eCORE, and seventeen groups have a collaborative afiliation.

Mª Jesús Cruz Carmona
Ricard Ferrer Roca

This eCORE focuses on the study of chronic and prevalent diseases along people’s life, and the effect of aging in society’s well-being. Currently, twenty-four groups, from a wide variety of disciplines, have a primary affiliation to this eCORE, and sixteen groups have a collaborative affiliation.

Ignacio Ferreira González
Oriol Bestard Matamoros
Carlos Molina Cateriano

The main objectives of this eCORE are the study of diseases that affect women and children, including maternal diseases and paediatric and early ages health issues, as well as rare diseases affecting a small number of people. At the moment, twenty groups have a primary affiliation to this eCORE, and nineteen groups have a collaborative affiliation.

Pere Soler Palacín
Tomàs Pinós Figueras
Nerea Maiz Elizaran

Research groups affiliated to this eCORE are focused on the study of diseases affecting the brain, mind and/or behaviour. These clinical conditions have a high personal, social and economic burden, leading to disability and reducing quality and life.

Leading clinical and research experts are organized in over 20 research groups with recognized knowledge in pre-clinical, translational and clinical studies, as well as imaging and therapeutic platforms to create an environment which is collaborative, communicative and cooperative in order to work on brain, mind and behaviour health challenges, enhancing awareness and education.

Patricia Pozo Rosich
Anna Rosell Novel

The aim of the Cancer eCORE is to improve the outcome and quality of life of cancer patients. Cancer eCORE directs its efforts to unveil and understand the mechanisms of the cancer origin and progression. The ultimate goal is to translate this knowledge into new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic solutions. Our bench to bed comprehensive research includes the generation of relevant disease models, biomarker studies, drug development and clinical trials.

Juan Angel Recio Conde
Miguel Segura Ginard
Eva Colas Ortega

Being the largest, the objective of this eCORE is the development of new diagnostic tools and the promotion of personalized medicine based or not on digital health through the use of molecular imaging and other medical imaging technologies, biochemistry, pharmacy, pathology anatomy, omics data and related disciplines. Currently, nineteen groups have primary affiliation to this enable eCORE and thirty groups have collaborative affiliation.

José Raul Herance Camacho
Roser Ferrer Costa

This eCORE is focused on the development of novel cutting-edge treatment and interventions, based on advanced therapies, nanomedicine and innovative surgical and transplant/donation procedures, with the clear aim of making such progresses readily available to patients in need. At the moment, twenty-one groups have a primary affiliation to this eCORE, and twenty groups have a collaborative affiliation.

Miguel Chillon Rodriguez

Susana Gómez Olles