News All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute! Fulltext search Grups de recerca - Any -Basic, Translational and Clinical Pharmacy ResearchBioengineering, Cell Therapy and Surgery in Congenital MalformationsClinical and Translational BioinformaticsBiomedical Research in Digestive Tract TumorsBiomedical Research in GynaecologyBiomedical Research in MelanomaBiomedical Research in UrologyBiomedical Research in UrologyClinical BiochemistryClinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy (CB-DDT)Head and Neck Cancer: Biomedical Research Cancer Stem cellsChildhood Cancer and Blood DisordersChildhood Cancer and Blood DisordersCardiovascular DiseasesHeadache and Neurological PainCell Signaling and ApoptosisGeneral SurgeryHepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery (HBP) and liver transplantationReconstructive Surgery of the Locomotor SystemClinical NeuroimmunologyClinical PharmacologyClinical Research/Innovation in Pneumonia & Sepsis (CRIPS)Growth and DevelopmentDiabetes and MetabolismDiagnostic nanotools (DINA)Drug Delivery and TargetingDonation and transplantation of organs, tissues and cellsLiver DiseasesInfectious DiseasesNeurodegenerative DiseasesNeurovascular DiseasesSystemic DiseasesMusculoskeletal Tissue EngineeringEpidemiology and Public HealthPhysiology and Pathophysiology of the Digestive TractKidney PhysiopathologyGene and Cell TherapyGene Therapy at Nervous SystemGenetics MedicineResearch Group on Status Epilepticus and Acute SeizuresResearch Group of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationMultidisciplinary Nursing Research GroupMolecular Medical ImagingTranslational ImmunologyInfection and immunity in pediatric patientsResearch on Aging, Frailty and Transitions in BarcelonaStroke researchMicrobiome ResearchMaternal and Fetal MedicineTransfusional MedicineMicrobiologyPharmacokinetic NanoparticlesNephrology and kidney transplantationPneumologyPediatric NeurologyNeuromuscular and Mitochondrial PathologyNeuroradiologyNeurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)New Technologies and Craniofacial MicrosurgeryOphtalmologyTranslational Molecular PathologyPeripheral Nervous SystemProtein kinases in cancer researchPsychiatry, Mental Health and AddictionsRecerca en Serveis SanitarisRheumatologyShock, Organ Dysfunction and ResuscitationSpine Research UnitTherapeutics and Innovations in Neuropediatrics and other paediatric rare diseases Tags media - Any -#RosesAmbCor#VHTocaElCor30 anysactivitats solidariesAesclickAFANOCAgència Europea del MedicamentAlimentacióAl·lergologiaAnestesiologia i reanimacióangioedema hereditariAngolaansietat i depressióantestesiologia i renanimacióaparell digestiuaparell digestiuaplicacions mòbilsappappsarrítmiesassaigs clinicsassistènciaassistencialAssociació Catalana per al ParkinsonassociacionsAtenció Integral d'Infermeria en el Pacient amb Hemofíliaatenció primàriaAudiència de BarcelonaAula Vall d'HebronautoinmuneBanc de SèpsiaBarcelona Respiratory NetworkBCN GlobalBCN-PID FoundationBiobancbiomarcadorsbloc quirúrgicbloc quirúrgicbufa la bombollacalendari vacunalcàncercàncercàncer colorectalcàncer d'ovaricàncer de bufetacàncer de bufetacàncer de mamacàncer de mamacàncer de pròstatacàncer de pròstatacàncer de pulmócàncer d’endometricàncer d’endometricàncer infantilcàncer infantilcardiòlegs del futurcardiologiacardiologiacardiopaties congènitesCARTcasernescefaleacellexcemcatCemcatCentre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de CatalunyaCentre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de CatalunyaChagascirrosis hepàticacirugía robóticaCirurgiacirurgia bariàtricacirurgia cardíacacirurgia Endocrina Metabòlica i BariàtricaCirurgia generalcirurgia general i digestivacirurgia hepatobiliopancreàtica i trasplantamentscirurgia neonatal i fetalcirurgia pediàtricacirurgia vascular i endovascularCodi IctusCOIBColitis Ulcerosacomunicaciócomunicacióconcurs fotogràficconferènciaconfortcongréscongressosCoordinació de TrasplantamentcorcoronavirusCovidCOVID-19cuidador expertCures IntensivesCures; infermeriacursda vincidepartament de salutDepartament de Salut de la GeneralitatdepressióDermatologiadia de la dona en la ciènciaDia Mundial de l’ELADia Mundial de l’Esclerosi Múltipledia mundial ronyódiabetisdiabetisdiagnòsticdiagnòstic per la imatgediario médicodietadirecció d'infermeriaDirector General de Salut i Seguretat Alimentària de la Comissió EuropeaDivulgaciódonaciódonacionsDr. Albert IgualDr. Alejandro TomaselloDr. de Fàbregues-BoixarDr. Joan Pere BarretDr. Josep Antoni Ramos-QuirogaDr. Juanfran SerraDr. Sánchez de Toledodr. tomàs pumarolaDr. Vicenç MartínezDra. Carme AltisentDra. Paula GalvándrassanesDrassanesDrassanes-Vall d’HebrondrogodependènciaECMOecografiaELAELAembaràsembaràs d'alt riscenvellimentenvellimentepidemiologiaequipamentsesclerosi múltipleesclerosi múltipleesclerosis múltipleesofagitis eosinofílicaestudiestudi científicEUHAEva ÁlvarezexposicióFarmacologia clínicaFEDERfetgeFetge gras no alcohòlicfibrosi pulmonarfinançamentfísica i protecció radiològicaFundació la CaixaGeneralitat de Catalunyagenèticagenètica clínica i moleculargerènciaginecologiaginecologiaGinecologia Oncològica i Patologia del Tracte Genital InferiorgripgripGrup de Recerca d’Oftalmologiagrup de recerca en Pneumologiaguia de maneighemorràgiahepatitis viralshepatologiahipertensió pulmonarHUB Recerca PediàtricahumanitzacióicsIctusictusictus isquèmicictus. esclerosi múltipleIdentifiquen un nou mecanisme molecular responsable de l’envelliment del corimmunodeficiència primàriaImmunologiainfart de miocardiinfeccionsinfeccionsinfermeriainfermeriainforme SONIIAInnovacióinnovacióinnovació vhirinnovació vhirinsomniinsuficiència renalinsulinaintel·ligència artificialinterfase vitreoretinianaintestíintestí irritableinversionsinvestigaciójarabe contra el cáncerJeffrey Modell Foundationjubilacionsjudith mascóleucèmiallibresllistes d’esperalupusl’Acadèmia Europea d’Al·lergologia i Immunologia Clínicamal de capmal de cap crònicmalaltia de Crohnmalaltia hepàtica crònicamalaltia inflamatòria intestinalmalaltia pulmonarmalaltia pulmonar obstructivamalalties cardiovascularsmalalties digestivesmalalties hereditàriesmalalties infecciosesmalalties infecciosesmalalties inflamatòries intestinalsmalalties minoritàriesmalalties minoritàriesmalalties neurodegenerativesmalalties pulmonars intersticialsmalalties raresmalalties renalsmalalties renalsMarató TV3màstermedi ambientmedicina fetalmedicina física i rehabilitaciómedicina intensivamedicina nuclearMedicina Preventiva i Salut PúblicamelanomaMemòria 2023metàstasiMetrICSmicrobiologiamigranyamigranyamillor model de gestiómúsicanadalnanomedicinananotecnologiananotecnologiaNefrologianeuroblastoma infantilneuroblastoma infantilnoticiesicsnova Unitat de Paràlisi Facialocnologiaoncologiaoncologia pediàtricaoncologia radioteràpicaOrion Pharmapàncreesparàlisi facialParkinsonparkinsonParticipació ciutadanapatologia mamàriapediatriapere mirPERISpneumologiapremipremipremisprimera edicióprojecteprojecte RESETprojectes assistencialsprotocolprotocol violència masclistapsiquiatriapsiquiatriapublicacionsrealitat virtualrecercareconeixementsrellotgesresolucióreunionsRosesSalut Globalsalut mentalsalut mentalSant JordisarcomaSECOsèpsiaServei d'OftalmologiaServei de Cirurgia CardíacaServei de Medicina IntensivaServei de Medicina Preventiva i EpidemiologiaServei de PneumologiaSetmana Mundial de les Immunodeficiències Primàriessimulaciósíndrome de l’intestí irritablesíndrome de l’intestí irritablesistema immunològicsistema robòtic Da Vinci©Sociedad Española de Enfermería NeurológicaSocietat Catalana de NeurologiaSOCMICsolidarisomni de colorsSr.Gonzalo RodésSra. Sonia Cortés i GarciaSueñontallersTDAHTDAHTDHtelevisorsTesisTesis (M, delete?)Tomografia per Coherència Òpticatractamenttransfusió de sangTransplantament de pulmótransplantamentstransplantaments de ronyótrasplantamentTrasplantament adulttrasplantament cardíactrasplantament d'òrgans i teixitstrasplantament de fetgetrasplantament de ronyótrasplantament de ronyótrasplantament hepàtictrasplantament pediàtrictrasplantament pulmonartrasplantamentstrastorn del neurodesenvolupamenttrastorn gastrointestinaltrombectomia mecànicaTuberculosi Vall d'Hebron-DrassanesUATUATUCI pediàtricaUnitat de Cures IntensivesUnitat de Trastorns del Moviment del Servei de NeurologiaUnitat Docent d’Al·lergologiaUnitat d’IctusUnitat d’Ictus Vall d’Hebronurgènciesurgències pediàtriquesvacuna covidVacunesVall d’Hebron Institut de RecercavallwoodVerola del micovhiovhirvhirVIHVIII Jornada Catalana d'Infermeria Neurològica de la SEDENEvisitaXavier PratsXX Congrés Nacional d’Hospitals i Gestió SanitàriaXXXII Jornada de Teràpia del Comportament i Medicina Conductual en la Pràctica Clínica. Sort by Data pública (ordre) Order AscDesc Alphabetic A-Z Alphabetic Z-A Mi Compañero de Viaje adds a decade of donations in the fight against cancer The association, once again, has shown its commitment to oncological research with a donation of €19,197 to the Cancer and Hematological Diseases Group for Children at VHIR. 14/01/2025 Pre-registration is now open for the VHIR master's degrees You can now register for the Master's Degree in Translational Biomedical Research, the Master's Degree in Clinical Trial Management and Coordination and, as a novelty, the Master's Degree in Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 13/01/2025 The EXPOSIM project to transform the understanding of the environmental impact on health The EXPOSIM project will investigate the impact of environmental stressors such as pollution, noise and aeroallergens on immune-mediated diseases. 09/01/2025 Four VHIR research projects receive funding from the PERIS of the Department of Health The Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya grants subsidies for carrying out validation tests on innovative projects in the field of health that are in the early stages of development. 27/12/2024 Hipofam makes a donation of €19,000 for the research on familial hypomagnesemia The Association for the Information and Research of Familial Hypomagnesemia, once again, has shown its solidarity with a donation of €19,000. 23/12/2024 VHIR participates in the study of a new therapy for the treatment of Fabry disease VHIR collaborates in the development of nanoGLA, an innovative nanotechnology therapy to treat Fabry disease. It has demonstrated high efficacy in preclinical studies, highlighting its effectiveness in addressing neurological manifestations. 20/12/2024 The VHIR Launches the Mentor_INN Network to Accelerate Knowledge Transfer and Innovation A key initiative that connects researchers with a network of more than 20 external mentors who are experts in various fields within the ecosystem. 19/12/2024 Committed to Inclusion: The RBDCOV Project Holds Its Annual Meeting Members of the RBDCOV project, which involves VHIR, gathered at the Palau Macaya to review progress and achievements made during the final phase of the project. 17/12/2024 El VHIR rep 11 projectes de l'AEI per finançar la recerca en múltiples àmbits Els ajuts, gairebé de tres milions d’euros en total, impulsen la formació de noves generacions de professionals en recerca i donen suport al desenvolupament de noves tecnologies. 16/12/2024 VHIR participates in the EU Project SPM4.0 Researchers from all over Europe gathered to kick off the SPM4.0 project, an innovative Marie Curie Skłodowska (MSCA-DN) doctoral network that promotes the development of autonomous Scanning Probe Microscopy with AI. 10/12/2024 Tesai Care launches a clinical trial to prevent respiratory muscle atrophy in ICU The Parc Taulí and Vall d’Hebron spin-off has raised €2.77 million in private and public funds, enabling it to complete the necessary clinical trials to obtain CE marking and bring this device to market. 09/12/2024 Vall d'Hebron develops a predictive model to calculate cardiovascular risk in women Vall d'Hebron researchers have created a score based on multiple clinical variables and cardiac images, specific to women, to identify patients at risk of severe complications such as a heart attack or sudden death. 05/12/2024 Vall d'Hebron hosts a congress on translational research in head and neck cancer The sessions were aimed at establishing new collaborations to advance the prevention and treatment of this type of tumour. 03/12/2024 Launch of POC4TRIAGE: Revolutionizing Urgent Care with Point-of-Care Technologies A new consortium of leading organizations embarks on a groundbreaking project to enhance patient triage and healthcare delivery. 26/11/2024 A study suggests that wild boars could transmit hepatitis Over time, wild boars have approached the city of Barcelona and surrounding areas. As carriers of the hepatitis E virus, they are linked to a study identifying them as a potential source of transmission of this disease. 26/11/2024 Vall d'Hebron hosts RECLIP meeting, the network of paediatric clinical trials in Spain During the meeting, the role of the Vall d'Hebron Paediatric Research Hub in promoting research on children and adolescents was highlighted. 26/11/2024 New method to improve diagnosis and classification of patients with scleroderma The new technology allows more sensitive detection of scleroderma patients' autoantibodies, which are related to the severity and progression of the disease. 22/11/2024 We promote synergies between VHIR and IBEC with a collaboration day The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals. 21/11/2024 The Vall d'Hebron Animal Service will host the practical classes of the UAB Master The Experimental Surgery Unit and the Preclinical Imaging Platform of VHIR will host several practical classes of the module "Reduction and Refinement in Experimental Design and Methodology," of the Master's in Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare 20/11/2024 A study presented by Vall d’Hebron has been awarded Best Communication at the ESPN The communication is part of a study aimed at identifying the mechanisms of progression of Familial Hypomagnesemia with Hypercalciuria and Nephrocalcinosis, a rare disease that affects the kidneys. 20/11/2024 A study by the Cardiovascular Diseases group awarded by the American Heart Association The study on the effects of diesel particles on the heart has been recognized as the best research work from Spain at the association’s Scientific Sessions. 19/11/2024 VHIR research against antibiotic resistance On European Antibiotic Awareness Day, we highlight the importance of using these medications responsibly and finding innovative solutions to combat this issue. 18/11/2024 The AQU renews the accrediation seal for the Master's in Translational Biomedical Research The experience of our teaching staff and research groups, the commitment to professional development and the tutorial action plan are highlighted. 12/11/2024 Neonatal detection of sickle cell disease in Catalonia reduces complications A study jointly led by the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) confirms the effectiveness of neonatal screening in reducing morbidity among children with sickle cell disease (SCD). 11/11/2024 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 … Next page Next › Last page Last »