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Core Facilities

The Core Facilities offer specific cutting-edge solutions for all needs that may arise during the biomedical research process. Every unit is led by a manager responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the activities, assessing the quality of the service and the attention received by clients.

congelador biobanc

The Biobank stores biological samples of human origin with the aim of making available to the scientific community the biological material necessary for research in optimal conditions that ensure the competitiveness and excellence of research.

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Samples catalogue

The catalogue of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Biobank contains information on samples arranged by disease. It was created to give visibility to the samples donated for research, making the search for them more accessible and transparent.

It safeguards the rights of donors at each stage of the process.

See the catalogue
Biobank's collections

The samples of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Biobank were obtained to promote biomedical research of various diseases and to search for possible treatments for them.

The samples were acquired in compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 quality standard.

See the collections
Laboratory Animal Service (LAS)

Research and teaching relating to the use of rodent laboratory animals are concentrated at the Laboratory Animal Service, a latest-generation facility with a preclinical imaging platform and which occupies a total area of 1,347 m2 for the maintenance, care and well-being of experimentation animals.

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Experimental Surgery Unit (ESU)

It provides the necessary support to a variety of teaching activities: from basic activities aimed at resident training or continuous training, to specialised training in innovative, cutting edge, high-tech techniques.

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Academic Research Organization Platform (ARO)

The aim of the ARO is to help researchers and promoters to conduct clinical research projects at the Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. It offers a complete package for managing the necessary activities, from start to finish, for conducting the trials (from stage I to stage IV) and clinical studies.

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High Technology Unit (UAT)

It is an essential preclinical resource in the VHIR that provides researchers with state-of-the-art equipment and specialized technical advice, offering different services on its five platforms: Genomics, Cytometry, Molecular Diagnosis, Metabolomics and Microscopy.

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Statistics and Bioinformatics Unit (UEB)

Its mission is to provide expert advice, services and training for clinical and biomedical research mainly in the areas of statistics and bioinformatics. It is divided into three platforms: Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and "Data-science" Projects.

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Support Unit for Clinical Research (USIC)

It is the Unit in charge of providing care support to the development of clinical research within the Vall d'Hebron Campus, both for clinical trials and other research projects, making medical offices, nursing support and a sample processing laboratory available to users.

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Validació Funcional i Investigació Preclínica (FVPR)

Està formada per tres plataformes tecnològiques: la Secció d'Experimentació in vitro i la Secció d'Experimentació in vivo i la Secció d'Histologia Preclínica.

La seva finalitat és oferir a la indústria i altres grups de recerca un conjunt integrat de serveis per testar noves aplicacions biomèdiques que poden estar basades en la nanotecnologia, ja siguin per al tractament de malalties específiques o per a noves aplicacions en diagnòstic i imatge.

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In these documents you will find all the rates of the VHIR research support units, as well as for general services.

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Current Core Facilities Rates

PDF 0.57 MB

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Core Facilities Rates 2023

PDF 0.57 MB

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Rates of Functional validation and preclinical research (Histology / In vivo)

PDF 0.44 MB

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Rates of Functional validation & preclinical research (In vitro)

PDF 0.33 MB

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Nitrogen Cryoconservation Rates

PDF 0.95 MB

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Nitrogen Cryoconservation Rates 2017

PDF 0.15 MB

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Rates of the Pharmacy Service for internal promotion trials with public funding

PDF 0.3 MB