Manuel Comabella Lopez Dr. Manuel Comabella earned his medical degree at the University of Barcelona, completed his neurology residency at the Neurology Department of the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron (HUVH), and earned his PhD at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Since 2004, Dr. Manuel Comabella is the Head of the Clinical Neuroimmunology laboratory at the Fundació Institut de Recerca del HUVH. Since June 2008 he works as a clinical neurologist at the Department of Neurology / Neuroimmunology of the MS Centre of Catalonia (Cemcat), HUVH, Barcelona. Institutions of which they are part Main researcher Clinical Neuroimmunology Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Responsable Laboratori Multiple Sclerosis Centre of Catalonia Email Manuel Comabella Lopez Email Institutions of which they are part Main researcher Clinical Neuroimmunology Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Responsable Laboratori Multiple Sclerosis Centre of Catalonia Dr. Manuel Comabella earned his medical degree at the University of Barcelona, completed his neurology residency at the Neurology Department of the Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron (HUVH), and earned his PhD at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Since 2004, Dr. Manuel Comabella is the Head of the Clinical Neuroimmunology laboratory at the Fundació Institut de Recerca del HUVH. Since June 2008 he works as a clinical neurologist at the Department of Neurology / Neuroimmunology of the MS Centre of Catalonia (Cemcat), HUVH, Barcelona.
From 1996 to 1998, Dr. Manuel Comabella was a Research Fellow in Neuroimmunology at the Center for Neurologic Diseases, Brigham and Women´s Hospital, in Boston. In 2010 was awarded with the Ayudas Merck Serono in the multiple sclerosis research area. In 2011 was awarded by the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) with the Biogen Idec Prize to the best publication on demyelinating disorders. In 2013 was awarded by the SEN with the Novartis Prize to the best oral communication and the best publication on demyelinating disorders. In 2014 received the Neurological Disorders Award, scientific modality, granted by the SEN. In 2016 was awarded with the Ayudas Merck Serono in the multiple sclerosis research area. From 2018 to 2020, Dr. Manuel Comabella was a collaborator of the Biomedicine area at the Division of Coordination, Evaluation and Scientific and Technical Follow-up of the State Research Agency, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Dr. Manuel Comabella is member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Journal, member of the Board of the ESNI (European School of Neuroimmunology), and member of the Strategic Group of the IMSGC (International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium). He is coauthor of 297 documents indexed in MedLine (Scopus: 12916 total citations, with h-index of 54). Dr. Manuel Comabella's research interest lies in the identification of biomarkers related with different aspects of multiple sclerosis and the development of new therapeutic strategies for the disease.
Projects Búsqueda de variantes genéticas causales y estudio de sus implicaciones funcionales en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple IP: Manuel Comabella Lopez Collaborators: Miriam Izquierdo Sans Funding agency: Fundació Institut de Recerca HUVH Funding: 46800 Reference: PRED-VHIR-2014-22 Duration: 05/02/2015 - 04/02/2018 Neuroimmunologia Clínica. Centre d'Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya (CEMCAT( (GRC) IP: Xavier Montalban Gairín Collaborators: Susana Otero Romero, Carlos Nos Llopis, Sunny Malhotra Sareen, José Ant. Graells Salvador, Jaume Sastre Garriga, Jordi Rio Izquierdo, Ingrid Galán Cartaña, Rosalia Horno Ocaña, Manuel Comabella Lopez, Margarida Capell Maymo, Carmen Tur Gomez, Jordi Barquinero Mañez, Herena Eixarch Ahufinger, Carme Santoyo Medina, Oriol Nualart Mundo, Mar Tintore Subirana, M Jesus Arevalo Navines, Dunia Muñoz Valdivielso, Carmen Espejo Ruiz, Sergio Vergara Ruiz, Luciana Midaglia Fernandez, Joaquin Castillo Justribo, Milagros Fraga Pereira, Breogan Rodriguez Acevedo, Mireia Castillo Juarez, Nicolás Miguel Fissolo, Georgina Arrambide García Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Funding: 50000 Reference: 2014 SGR 1082 Duration: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016 Search of biomarkers in patients with progressive multiple sclerosis IP: Manuel Comabella Lopez Collaborators: Xavier Montalban Gairín Funding agency: National Multiple Sclerosis Society Funding: 74250 Reference: MSBIOMARKERS_NATMSALLIANCE2014 Duration: 01/08/2014 - 30/11/2015 Biological markers for rationalizing treatment decisions in Multiple Sclerosis (BEST-MS) Grand Agreement nº 305477 IP: Manuel Comabella Lopez Collaborators: Sunny Malhotra Sareen, Jordi Rio Izquierdo, Xavier Montalban Gairín Funding agency: EUROPEAN COMMISSION Funding: 424320 Reference: BEST-MS_FP7HEALTH2012 Duration: 01/11/2012 - 31/10/2016 Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ … Page 4 Page 5 Current page 6 Page 7 Page 8 … Next page › Last page »