Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon Investigadora principal al grup de Recerca en Malalties Neurovasculars, VHIR. Institucions de les que formen part Investigador/a principal Malalties neurovasculars Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Twitter Email Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon Twitter Email Institucions de les que formen part Investigador/a principal Malalties neurovasculars Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca Investigadora principal al grup de Recerca en Malalties Neurovasculars, VHIR.
La Dra. Mar Hernández-Guillamon ha dedicat la seva carrera a l'estudi de l'Angiopatia Amiloide Cerebral (AAC) i altres patologies associades al dipòsit de beta-amiloide (Abeta) al cervell. L'any 2013 va iniciar la línia de recerca d'Amiloïdosi Cerebral al Laboratori de Malalties Neurovasculars del VHIR. El seu grup s'ha posicionat a l'avantguarda del camp de les patologies associades a la proteïna Abeta, estudiant els mecanismes moleculars implicats en el seu transport i metabolisme mitjançant models experimentals in vitro i in vivo. El seu laboratori també s'ha dedicat a la investigació clínica i al descobriment de biomarcadors associats a la AAC i altres malalties cerebrovasculars. La investigació translacional desenvolupada pel grup del Dr. Hernández-Guillamon ha permès assolir objectius importants fins ara, com ho demostra la producció científica obtinguda (índex h= 35, 80 publicacions, >3700 cites) i el lideratge continu de projectes en l'àmbit nacional i internacional.
Línies de recerca L5 Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Current project: Involment of proteolytic systems in the progression of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is produced by the accumulation of ß-amyloid protein within the meningeal and brain vessels. It is the second leading cause of cerebral hemorrhages. However, nowadays, factors related to brain bleedings following amyloid deposition are largely unknown. The understanding of the mollecular mechanisms that lead to cerebral hemorrhage may be the basis for future treatments. Previous evidences of our group have shown that Matrix Metal•loproteinases (MMPs) are related to brain bleeding. Now, we aim to investigate the relationship between these proteolytic systems and the appearance of intracraneal hemorrages in CAA. Our study includes: 1) The identification of both tissue and plasma biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of CAA-related hemorrhages. 2) The search of the genetic markers related to proteolytic systems that could determine the risk of suffering a recurrence in CAA. We are studying a cohort of probable CAA patients that have been recruited in Hospital Vall d’Hebron in collaboration with the Stroke Project of the Cerebrovascular Diseases Study Group (Spanish Society of Neurology). 3) The study of MMPs role in ß-amyloid stimulated vascular cells in vitro. Cultured cells of the neurovascular unit are challenged with different ß-amyloid peptides and the implication of MMPs in ß-amyloid cleavage and cell toxicity are studied using cellular and molecular biology methodology. For this purpose, we use the human cerebral endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3, primary cultures of human leptomeningeal smooth muscle cells and rat/mouse glial and neuronal cultures. Thioflavin-S staining of fibillar ß-amyloid within brain vessels of CAA patient’s sections. Related bibliography: 1) Hernández-Guillamon M, Delgado P, Ortega L, Pares M, Rosell A, García-Bonilla L, Fernández-Cadenas I, Borrell-Pagès M, Boada M, Montaner J. Neuronal TIMP-1 release accompanies astrocytic MMP-9 secretion and enhances astrocyte proliferation induced by beta-amyloid 25-35 fragment. J Neurosci Res. 2009 Jul;87(9):2115-25. 2) Rosell A, Ortega-Aznar A, Alvarez-Sabín J, Fernández-Cadenas I, Ribó M, Molina CA, Lo EH, Montaner J. Increased brain expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 after ischemic and hemorrhagic human stroke. Stroke. 2006 Jun;37(6):1399-406. 3) Alvarez-Sabín J, Delgado P, Abilleira S, Molina CA, Arenillas J, Ribó M, Santamarina E, Quintana M, Monasterio J, Montaner J. Temporal profile of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: relationship to clinical and radiological outcome. Stroke. 2004 Jun;35(6):1316-22. 4) Montaner J, Molina CA, Monasterio J, Abilleira S, Arenillas JF, Ribó M, Quintana M, Alvarez-Sabín J. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 pretreatment level predicts intracranial hemorrhagic complications after thrombolysis in human stroke. Circulation. 2003 Feb 4;107(4):598-603. Collaborations: Mercè Boada Fundació ACE, Barcelona, Spain. Jorge Ghiso and Agueda Rostagno Pathology Dept. Langone Medical Center. NYU New York, US. Ignacio Romero Life Science Dept. Open University. Milton Keynes, UK. IP: Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon Projectes PReDICT: Pediatric Stroke Rare Disorders: Integrative Diagnosis and Treatment using Multi-Omics and Deep Learning IP: Belen Perez Dueñas Col·laboradors: Marta Codina Solà, Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon, Anna Rosell Novel, David Gómez Andrés Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Finançament: 185165.07 Referència: PMPER24/00021 Durada: 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2026 Papel de la proteína MFGE8 como potencial biomarcador y diana terapéutica en la angiopatía amiloide cerebral IP: Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon Col·laboradors: Berta Paez Montserrat, Kerrie Adrián Campbell, Jessica Camacho Soriano, Anas Chaachou Charradi, Olalla Pancorbo Rosal Entitat finançadora: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Finançament: 208750 Referència: PI23/00082 Durada: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026 Tejiendo Ciencia IP: Ariadna Laguna Tuset Col·laboradors: Anna Santamaria Margalef, Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon, Sara Mas Assens Entitat finançadora: Fundación Española Ciencia y Tecnología (FECYT) Finançament: 15000 Referència: FCT-2023-19804 Durada: 01/12/2024 - 30/11/2025 Implication of proteins associated with vascular beta-amyloid in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy IP: Maria Mar Hernandez Guillamon Col·laboradors: Berta Paez Montserrat, Laia Perez Lasarte Entitat finançadora: FUNDACIÓN JOSEP PALAU FRANCÀS Finançament: 68873.32 Referència: VHIRFRANCAS/PREDOC/2022 Durada: 01/02/2023 - 31/01/2026 Paginació Pàgina actual 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Pàgina següent › Última pàgina »