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Mònica Tarradas Ustrell

Sóc administrativa a la Unitat de Recerca de Neurotraumatologia i Neurocirurgia (UNINN) des de 2010, col·laborant en totes les tasques administratives vinculades a la recerca: CV, bases de dades i projectes.

Institutions of which they are part

Administration and Management
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital

Mònica Tarradas Ustrell

Institutions of which they are part

Administration and Management
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital

Sóc administrativa a la Unitat de Recerca de Neurotraumatologia i Neurocirurgia (UNINN) des de 2010, col·laborant en totes les tasques administratives vinculades a la recerca: CV, bases de dades i projectes.

Des de 2010 a l'actualitat sóc administrativa a la Unitat de Recerca de Neurotraumatologia i Neurocirurgia (UNINN)

Related news

The goal is to test a low-cost, easy-to-use and non-invasive monitor, which will serve to control intracranial pressure (PICO) values, which will help to control and treat different acute brain pathologies.

The new tool will improve patient care and allow early detection of complications, as the hospital previously did not have a specific form.

Entre els projectes es troben 12 investigacions on participen investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron.

Related professionals

René Yeltsin Carvajal Junco

René Yeltsin Carvajal Junco

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Joan Daniel Vargas Figueroa

Joan Daniel Vargas Figueroa

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Laura Martin Fernandez

Laura Martin Fernandez

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Ester Dachs Escarra

Ester Dachs Escarra

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Communication Unit
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