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Headache and Neurological Pain

Our research group is focused on studying the pathophysiology of migraine and other primary headaches using preclinical, translational and clinical research.

Migraine will allow us to define the brain’s adaptive, sensory/cognitive functions, through genetics, epigenetics, neurophysiology, neuromolecular and neuroanatomical information with an interest in developing clinical therapeutic solutions, with the goal on having an impact on suffering and increasing the well-being.



The study, conducted in more than 770 people, concludes that atogepant reduces the frequency of migraine attacks and the need to take medication.

The results show that tobacco affects the expression of some genes related to the development of this type of headache.

Aquests guardons reconeixen els millors serveis i unitats de l’Estat, tant públics com privats, que busquen l’excel•lència en l’atenció que presten als seus pacients.

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Headache Neurophysiologist - Headache and Neurological Pain
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Headache BiophysicsInformatician PostDoc - Headache and Neurological Pain
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Headache Neurophysiology PostDoc
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