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Hepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery (HBP) and liver transplantation

Until 2017, this group was constituted as a consolidated group in the VHIR under the name of "Digestive Transplants" with a consolidated research trajectory. Our group has two large areas of research: liver transplantation, which is cross-sectional adult-pediatric and; on the other hand, research, specifically in the fields of liver resections, liver cancer (primary or metastatic), biliary cancer, pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis. Both areas have very innovative aspects, with translational objectives, including artificial intelligence, transcriptomics and molecular biology.

The general objective of the liver transplant research area is to improve the preservation of liver grafts, as well as increase the survival of grafts and transplant patients. The research area related to cancer or acute pancreatitis has as a general objective to improve the management and treatment of patients with pancreatitis, as well as to improve the diagnosis and survival of cancer patients.

Research lines

Transcriptómica molecular en model clínic de càncer de pàncreas i lesions premalignas

Estudi INVISIBLE (Detecció de DNA tumoral per biòpsia líquida en cirurgia del càncer de pàncreas), Estudio: Biòpsia líquida en lesions pre-malignas IPMN i  N. quística Mucinosa.

IP: Elizabeth Pando Rau, Joaquin Balsells Valls

Ús del Verd de Indiocianina en la detecció de tumors hepàtics durant la cirurgia guiada per la imatge

Avaluar l´ús de l´ICG per la identificació de noves lesions i comportament tumoral de manera intraoperatòria.

IP: Ernest Hidalgo Llompart, Concepción Gomez Gavara



The consensus establishes recommendations that could correct the current disparities related to muscle mass, weight and height and would allow for more precise prioritization of patients who require transplants more urgently.

The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals.

The study also linked improved microbiota diversity to better liver function.