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Infectious Diseases

The VHIR Infectious Diseases research group is made up of medical professionals, with healthcare and clinical or basic translational research activities; of Biomedicine dedicated to basic research; and Nursing, with activities to support clinical research.

The group's lines of research are mainly focused on four areas:

Infections related to immunosuppression. Includes infectious diseases related to immunocompromised patients, solid organ or hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients and recipients of biological therapies.

Sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection and other highly prevalent infections in our country (syphilis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venere or infections caused by the human papillomavirus).

Infections related to health care, with special emphasis on those difficult to treat (cardiovascular infections or infections related to prosthetic materials) or caused by multi-resistant pathogens (MDRO) or affecting vulnerable populations.

Global Health and Tropical Diseases with special emphasis on prevalent diseases in our environment that affect the immigrant or displaced population.


Jorge Nestor Garcia Perez

Jorge Nestor Garcia Perez

Senior researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Mª Carmen Ferrer Barberà

Mª Carmen Ferrer Barberà

Infectious Diseases
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Nerea Sanchez Gaona

Nerea Sanchez Gaona

Predoctoral researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Pau Bosch Nicolau

Pau Bosch Nicolau

Predoctoral researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Paula Suanzes Diez

Paula Suanzes Diez

Predoctoral researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Patricia Álvarez López

Patricia Álvarez López

Research assistant
Infectious Diseases
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Jorge Nestor Garcia Perez

Jorge Nestor Garcia Perez

Senior researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Mª Carmen Ferrer Barberà

Mª Carmen Ferrer Barberà

Infectious Diseases
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Nerea Sanchez Gaona

Nerea Sanchez Gaona

Predoctoral researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Pau Bosch Nicolau

Pau Bosch Nicolau

Predoctoral researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Paula Suanzes Diez

Paula Suanzes Diez

Predoctoral researcher
Infectious Diseases
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Patricia Álvarez López

Patricia Álvarez López

Research assistant
Infectious Diseases
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Acreditació AGAUR grup d'infecció en el pacient pediàtric immunodeprimit

IP: Pere Soler Palacín
Collaborators: Antoni Soriano Arandes, Acreditació AGAUR grup d'infecció en el pacient pediàtric immunodeprimit, Acreditació AGAUR grup d'infecció en el pacient pediàtric immunodeprimit, Jorgina Vila Soler, Laura Batlle Masó, Natalia Ana Mendoza Palomar, Maria Espiau Guarner, Aurora Fernandez Polo, Núria Worner Tomasa, Laura Lopez Seguer, Miriam Gonzalez Amores, Acreditació AGAUR grup d'infecció en el pacient pediàtric immunodeprimit, Susana Melendo Perez, Sonia Rodriguez Tello, Andrea Martín Nalda, Claudia Broto Cortes, Marie Antoinette Frick, Jacques Gabriel Rivière
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 0.01
Reference: 2021 SGR 00441
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Infección nosocomial y de la comunidad

IP: Adrián Sánchez Montalvá
Collaborators: Julia Sellares Nadal, Laia Perez Lasarte
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 65000
Reference: CM22/00262
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2024

Estrategias de optimización del tratamiento de la tuberculosis pulmonar

IP: Israel Molina Romero
Collaborators: Juan Espinosa Pereiro, Laia Perez Lasarte
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 65000
Reference: CM22/00246
Duration: 31/03/2023 - 30/03/2025

Malalties infeccioses

IP: María José Buzón Gómez
Collaborators: Laia Perez Lasarte
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 101250
Reference: CPII22/00005
Duration: 04/01/2023 - 03/01/2026


Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir/rilpivirine in real-world clinical practice. GeSIDA study 1119.

PMID: 37016556
Year: 2023
Reference: HIV Med. 2023 Apr 4. doi: 10.1111/hiv.13489.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Casado, J L; Castano, M; de la Torre, J; Fanjul, F; Farinas, C; Galindo, M J; Gomez-Ayerbe, C; Hidalgo, C; Montero, M; Montes, M L et al.
DOI: 10.1111/hiv.13489

Limited induction of polyfunctional lung-resident memory T cells against SARS-CoV-2 by mRNA vaccination compared to infection.

PMID: 37019909
Journal: Nature Communications
Year: 2023
Reference: Nat Commun. 2023 Apr 5;14(1):1887. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-37559-w.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Buzon, Maria J; Esperalba, Juliana; Falco, Vicenc; Genesca, Meritxell; Kuguel, Sebastian G; Kuguel, Sebastian G; Mancebo, Cristina; Mancebo, Cristina; Pieren, Daan K J; Rey-Cano, Joan et al.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37559-w

Rickettsioses imported by travellers and migrants to Spain attended in the + Redivi network, 2009-2020.

PMID: 37043288
Year: 2023
Reference: J Travel Med. 2023 Apr 12:taad050. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taad050.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Arsuaga, Marta; Calabuig, Eva; Calle-Prieto, Fernando; Canaveral, Ramiro; Dominguez-Castellano, Angel; Guardado, Azucena Rodriguez; Llenas-Garcia, Jara; Monge-Maillo, Begona; Oliveira-Souto, Ines; Perez-Molina, Jose A et al.
DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taad050

Antifungal prophylaxis with nebulized amphotericin-B in solid-organ transplant recipients with severe COVID-19: a retrospective observational study.

PMID: 37180450
Journal: Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
Year: 2023
Reference: Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2023 Apr 27;13:1165236. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1165236. eCollection 2023.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Bodro, Marta; Carbonell, Irene; Carratala, Jordi; Castel-Lavilla, Maria Angeles; Daniel Gumucio, Victor; Fava, Alex; Gonzalez-Costello, Jose; Lacasa, Judith Sacanell; Len, Oscar; Llado, Laura et al.
DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1165236

Knowledge and Prior Use of HIV Self-Testing in Madrid and Barcelona among Men Who Have Sex with Men More than One Year after Its Legal Authorization in Spain.

PMID: 35162118
Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year: 2022
Reference: Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 19;19(3). pii: ijerph19031096. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031096.
Impact factor: 3.39
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Guerras, Juan-Miguel; Belza, Maria-Jose; Fuster, Maria-Jose; Fuente, Luis de la; Garcia de Olalla, Patricia; Palma, David; Garcia-Perez, Jorge-Nestor; Hoyos, Juan; On Behalf Of The Methysos Project Group et al.
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19031096

Exploratory study of an oral screening dysplasia program for HIV-infected men who have sex with men.

PMID: 35730367
Journal: AIDS
Year: 2022
Reference: AIDS. 2022 Jun 23. pii: 00002030-990000000-00044. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003287.
Impact factor: 4.177
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Planas, Bibiana; Garcia, Jorge; Hernandez-Losa, Javier; Molina, Maria Del Mar; Dinares, Maria Carme; Callejo, Angela; Curran, Adria; Navarro, Jordi; Suanzes, Paula; Falco, Vicenc et al.
DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003287

Early outcomes in adults hospitalized with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection receiving tocilizumab.

PMID: 35755602
Year: 2022
Reference: Med Clin. 2022 Jun 10;158(11):509-518. doi: 10.1016/j.medcle.2021.06.023. Epub 2022 Jun 18.
Impact factor: 1.725
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Sellares-Nadal, Julia; Almirante, Benito; Guillen-Del-Castillo, Alfredo; Sampol, Julia; Augustin, Salvador; Bosch-Nicolau, Pau; Monforte-Pallares, Arnau; Sempere-Gonzalez, Abiu; Eremiev-Eremiev, Simeon; Miarons, Marta et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.medcle.2021.06.023

[Consensus document for the management of schistosomiasis in Primary Care].

PMID: 35753207
Journal: Atencion Primaria
Year: 2022
Reference: Aten Primaria. 2022 Jun 23;54(8):102408. doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2022.102408.
Impact factor: 1.137
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Salas-Coronas, Joaquin; Perez Perez, Alejandra; Roure, Silvia; Sanchez Peinador, Carmen; Santos Larregola, Laura; Arranz Izquierdo, Javier; Bocanegra, Cristina; Garcia Lopez Hortelano, Milagros; Garcia Vazquez, Elisa; Moza Morinigo, Helena et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aprim.2022.102408

Entrectinib-A SARS-CoV-2 Inhibitor in Human Lung Tissue (HLT) Cells.

PMID: 34948390
Year: 2021
Reference: Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Dec 18;22(24). pii: ijms222413592. doi: 10.3390/ijms222413592.
Impact factor: 5.924
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Peralta-Garcia, Alejandro, Torrens-Fontanals, Mariona, Stepniewski, Tomasz Maciej, Grau-Exposito, Judith, Perea, David, Ayinampudi, Vikram, Waldhoer, Maria, Zimmermann, Mirjam, Buzon, Maria J, Genesca, Meritxell et al.
DOI: 10.3390/ijms222413592

Atlas of the HIV-1 Reservoir in Peripheral CD4 T Cells of Individuals on Successful Antiretroviral Therapy.

PMID: 34844430
Journal: mBio
Year: 2021
Reference: mBio. 2021 Dec 21;12(6):e0307821. doi: 10.1128/mBio.03078-21. Epub 2021 Nov 30.
Impact factor: 7.867
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Galvez, Cristina, Grau-Exposito, Judith, Urrea, Victor, Clotet, Bonaventura, Falco, Vicenc, Buzon, Maria Jose, Martinez-Picado, Javier et al.
DOI: 10.1128/mBio.03078-21

COVID-19 Clinical Profile in Latin American Migrants Living in Spain: Does the Geographical Origin Matter?

PMID: 34830495
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2021
Reference: J Clin Med. 2021 Nov 9;10(22). pii: jcm10225213. doi: 10.3390/jcm10225213.
Impact factor: 4.242
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Sempere, Abiu, Salvador, Fernando, Monforte, Arnau, Sampol, Julia, Espinosa-Pereiro, Juan, Miarons, Marta, Bosch-Nicolau, Pau, Guillen-Del-Castillo, Alfredo, Aznar, Maria Luisa, Campos-Varela, Isabel et al.
DOI: 10.3390/jcm10225213

Global phylogeny of Treponema pallidum lineages reveals recent expansion and spread of contemporary syphilis.

PMID: 34819643
Journal: Nature Microbiology
Year: 2021
Reference: Nat Microbiol. 2021 Dec;6(12):1549-1560. doi: 10.1038/s41564-021-01000-z. Epub 2021 Nov 24.
Impact factor: 17.745
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Marks, Michael, Beale, Mathew A, Williamson, Deborah A, Hughes, Gwenda, Naidu, Prenilla, Unemo, Magnus, Krajden, Mel, Lukehart, Sheila A, Morshed, Muhammad G, Fifer, Helen et al.
DOI: 10.1038/s41564-021-01000-z

Effect of Influenza Vaccination Inducing Antibody Mediated Rejection in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients.

PMID: 33123119
Journal: Frontiers in Immunology
Year: 2020
Reference: Front Immunol. 2020 Oct 6;11:1917. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01917. eCollection 2020.
Impact factor: 5.085
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Bulnes-Ramos, Angel, Aguilar-Guisado, Manuela, Gonzalez Escribano, Francisca, Olivas, Israel, Torre-Cisneros, Julian, Gavalda, Joan, Aydillo, Teresa, Moreno, Asuncion, Montejo, Miguel, Farinas, Maria Carmen et al.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01917

Executive summary of the Consensus Statement of the Transplant Infection Study Group (GESITRA) of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) and the National Transplant Organization (ONT) on the Selection Criteria of Donors of Solid Organs in relation to Infectious Diseases.

PMID: 31870646
Year: 2020
Reference: Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2020 Oct;38(8):379-389. doi: 10.1016/j.eimc.2019.10.016. Epub 2019 Dec 24.
Impact factor: 1.654
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Dominguez-Gil, Beatriz, Vidal, Elisa, San-Juan, Rafael, Pumarola, Tomas, Los-Arcos, Ibai, Aguado, Jose Maria, Blanes, Marino, Bodro, Marta, Carratala, Jordi, Cordero, Elisa et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eimc.2019.10.016

Reducing infectious complications after allogeneic stem cell transplant.

PMID: 32996342
Journal: Expert Review of Hematology
Year: 2020
Reference: Expert Rev Hematol. 2020 Nov;13(11):1235-1251. doi: 10.1080/17474086.2020.1831382. Epub 2020 Nov 3.
Impact factor: 2.573
Publication type: Review in international publication
Authors: Bacigalupo, Andrea, Metafuni, Elisabetta, Amato, Viviana, Marquez Algaba, Ester, Pagano, Livio et al.
DOI: 10.1080/17474086.2020.1831382

Comparison of DNA extraction methods and real-time PCR assays for the molecular diagnostics of chronic Chagas disease.

PMID: 32954845
Journal: Future Microbiology
Year: 2020
Reference: Future Microbiol. 2020 Aug;15:1139-1145. doi: 10.2217/fmb-2020-0023.
Impact factor: 2.907
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Silgado, Aroa, Moure, Zaira, de Oliveira, Maykon T, Serre-Delcor, Nuria, Salvador, Fernando, Oliveira, Ines, Molina, Israel, Pumarola, Tomas, Ramirez, Juan C, Sulleiro, Elena et al.
DOI: 10.2217/fmb-2020-0023

Executive summary of the GeSIDA consensus document on control and monitoring of HIV-infected patients.

PMID: 29793873
Year: 2019
Reference: Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2019 Aug - Sep;37(7):467-475. doi: 10.1016/j.eimc.2018.03.011. Epub 2018 May 21.
Impact factor: 1.685
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: , , Buzón Gómez, María José, Curran Fàbregas, Adria, , , , , , et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eimc.2018.03.011

Association of IL18 genetic polymorphisms with Chagas disease in Latin American populations.

PMID: 31751351
Journal: PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Year: 2019
Reference: PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019 Nov 21;13(11):e0007859. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007859. eCollection 2019 Nov.
Impact factor: 4.487
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Martin, Javier, Gonzalez, Clara Isabel, Molina, Israel, Strauss, Mariana, Acosta-Herrera, Marialbert, Alcaraz, Alexia, Casares-Marfil, Desire, Bosch-Nicolau, Pau, Lo Presti, Maria Silvina et al.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007859

Tuberculosis incidence among infected contacts detected through contact tracing of smear-positive patients.

PMID: 30986227
Journal: PLoS One
Year: 2019
Reference: PLoS One. 2019 Apr 15;14(4):e0215322. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215322. eCollection 2019.
Impact factor: 2.776
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Martin-Sanchez, Mario, Brugueras, Silvia, de Andres, Anna, Simon, Pere, Gorrindo, Pilar, Ros, Miriam, Masdeu, Eva, Millet, Joan-Pau, Cayla, Joan A, Orcau, Angels et al.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215322

Rhodomyrtone decreases Staphylococcus aureus SigB activity during exponentially growing phase and inhibits haemolytic activity within membrane vesicles.

PMID: 30583020
Year: 2019
Reference: Microb Pathog. 2019 Mar;128:112-118. doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.12.019. Epub 2018 Dec 21.
Impact factor: 2.581
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Calbo, E, Martinez, J A, Marco, F, Chaves, F, Lagarde, M, Lopez-Medrano, F, Montejo, J M, Bereciertua, E, Hernandez, J L, von Wichmann, M A et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.12.019

[Economic impact of optimising antiretroviral treatment in human immunodeficiency virus-infected adults with suppressed viral load in Spain, by implementing the grade A-1 evidence recommendations of the 2015 GESIDA/National AIDS Plan].

PMID: 28109551
Year: 2018
Reference: Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2018 Mar;36(3):157-164. doi: 10.1016/j.eimc.2016.11.015. Epub 2017 Jan 20.
Impact factor: 1.714
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Martinez-Sesmero, Jose Manuel, Sanchez-Rubio, Javier, Rubio, Rafael, Pasquau, Juan, Poveda, Jose Luis, Perez-Mitru, Alejandro, Roldan, Celia, Hernandez-Novoa, Beatriz, Ribera, Esteban et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eimc.2016.11.015

Impact of Staphylococcus aureus phenotype and genotype on the clinical characteristics and outcome of infective endocarditis. A multicenter, longitudinal, prospective, observational study.

PMID: 29269091
Year: 2018
Reference: Clin Microbiol Infect. 2018 Sep;24(9):985-991. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.12.002. Epub 2017 Dec 18.
Impact factor: 5.394
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Fernandez-Hidalgo, N, Ribera, A, Larrosa, M N, Viedma, E, Origuen, J, de Alarcon, A, Farinas, M C, Saez, C, Pena, C, Munez, E et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.12.002

Community-Acquired Legionella Pneumonia in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Adult Patients: A Matched Case-Control Study.

PMID: 29659759
Year: 2018
Reference: Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Aug 31;67(6):958-961. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy314.
Impact factor: 9.117
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Cilloniz, Catia, Miguel-Escuder, Lucia, Pedro-Bonet, Maria Luisa, Falco, Vicenc, Lopez, Yessica, Garcia-Vidal, Carolina, Gabarrus, Albert, Moreno, Asuncion, Torres, Antoni, Miro, Jose M et al.
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciy314

Pharmacokinetics of darunavir/cobicistat and etravirine alone and co-administered in HIV-infected patients.

PMID: 29237008
Year: 2018
Reference: J Antimicrob Chemother. 2018 Mar 1;73(3):732-737. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkx459.
Impact factor: 5.071
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Khoo, Saye, Molto, Jose, Curran, Adrian, Miranda, Cristina, Challenger, Elizabeth, Santos, Jose Ramon, Ribera, Esteban, Clotet, Bonaventura, Valle, Marta et al.
DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkx459


PMID: 27956431
Year: 2017
Reference: Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 Feb 23;61(3). pii: AAC.02136-16. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02136-16. Print 2017 Mar.
Impact factor: 4.415
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Caston, Juan Jose, De la Torre, Alvaro, Ruiz-Camps, Isabel, Sorli, M Luisa, Torres, Vicente, Torre-Cisneros, Julian et al.
DOI: 10.1128/AAC.02136-16

Travel-Associated Zika Virus Disease Acquired in the Americas Through February 2016: A GeoSentinel Analysis.

PMID: 27893080
Year: 2017
Reference: Ann Intern Med. 2017 Jan 17;166(2):99-108. doi: 10.7326/M16-1842. Epub 2016 Nov 22.
Impact factor: 16.44
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Hamer, Davidson H, Barbre, Kira A, Chen, Lin H, Grobusch, Martin P, Schlagenhauf, Patricia, Goorhuis, Abraham, van Genderen, Perry J J, Molina, Israel, Asgeirsson, Hilmir, Kozarsky, Phyllis E et al.
DOI: 10.7326/M16-1842

Correction: Abacavir/Lamivudine plus Rilpivirine Is an Effective and Safe Strategy for HIV-1 Suppressed Patients: 48 Week Results of the SIMRIKI Retrospective Study.

PMID: 28182783
Journal: PLoS One
Year: 2017
Reference: PLoS One. 2017 Feb 9;12(2):e0172184. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172184. eCollection 2017.
Impact factor: 2.806
Publication type: Letter or abstract
Authors: Troya, Jesus, Ryan, Pablo, Ribera, Esteban, Podzamczer, Daniel, Hontanon, Victor, Terron, Jose Alberto, Boix, Vicente, Moreno, Santiago, Barrufet, Pilar, Castano, Manuel et al.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172184

Delphi-based study and analysis of key risk factors for invasive fungal infection in haematological patients.

PMID: 28198173
Journal: Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia
Year: 2017
Reference: Rev Esp Quimioter. 2017 Apr;30(2):103-117. Epub 2017 Feb 14.
Impact factor: 0.75
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Di Benedetto, N, Vazquez, L, Salavert, M, Gayoso, J, Lizasoain, M, Ruiz Camps, I et al.

Abacavir/Lamivudine plus Rilpivirine Is an Effective and Safe Strategy for HIV-1 Suppressed Patients: 48 Week Results of the SIMRIKI Retrospective Study.

PMID: 27727331
Journal: PLoS One
Year: 2016
Reference: PLoS One. 2016 Oct 11;11(10):e0164455. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164455. eCollection 2016.
Impact factor: 3.057
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Troya, Jesus, Ryan, Pablo, Ribera, Esteban, Podzamczer, Daniel, Hontanon, Victor, Terron, Jose Alberto, Boix, Vicente, Moreno, Santiago, Barrufet, Pilar, Castano, Manuel et al.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164455

The effectiveness of electrocautery ablation for the treatment of high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-infected men who have sex with men.

PMID: 26688291
Year: 2016
Reference: HIV Med. 2016 Aug;17(7):524-31. doi: 10.1111/hiv.12352. Epub 2015 Dec 21.
Impact factor: 3.988
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Tallada, N, Guelar, A, Crespo, M, Ocana, I, Ribera, E, Falco, V, Navarro, J, Landolfi, S, Burgos, J, Curran, A et al.
DOI: 10.1111/hiv.12352

Influenza A virus infection is associated with systemic capillary leak syndrome: case report and systematic review of the literature.

PMID: 26330157
Year: 2016
Reference: Antivir Ther. 2016;21(2):181-3. doi: 10.3851/IMP2989. Epub 2015 Sep 2.
Impact factor: 3.02
Publication type: Review in international publication
Authors: Sousa, Adrian, Len, Oscar, Escola, Laura, Magnifico, Bruno, Mora, Chema, Papiol, Elisabeth, Revilla, Eva, Almirante, Benito et al.
DOI: 10.3851/IMP2989

10 years of prophylaxis with nebulized liposomal amphotericin B and the changing epidemiology of Aspergillus spp. infection in lung transplantation.

PMID: 26339864
Year: 2016
Reference: Transpl Int. 2016 Jan;29(1):51-62. doi: 10.1111/tri.12679. Epub 2015 Oct 12.
Impact factor: 2.835
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Peghin, Maddalena, Monforte, Victor, Martin-Gomez, Maria-Teresa, Ruiz-Camps, Isabel, Berastegui, Cristina, Saez, Berta, Riera, Jordi, Ussetti, Piedad, Sole, Juan, Gavalda, Joan et al.
DOI: 10.1111/tri.12679

Rezolsta(R) (Darunavir/Cobicistat): First Boosted Protease Inhibitor Co-formulated with Cobicistat.

PMID: 26035169
Year: 2015
Reference: AIDS Rev. 2015 Apr-Jun;17(2):114-20.
Impact factor: 3.787
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Curran, Adrian, Perez-Valero, Ignacio, Molto, Jose et al.

Antiviral activity and CSF concentrations of 600/100 mg of darunavir/ritonavir once daily in HIV-1 patients with plasma viral suppression.

PMID: 25608583
Year: 2015
Reference: J Antimicrob Chemother. 2015 May;70(5):1513-6. doi: 10.1093/jac/dku558. Epub 2015 Jan 20.
Impact factor: 5.313
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Zetterberg, H, Back, David, Podzamczer, Daniel, Vila, Antonia, Niubo, Jordi, Clotet, Bonaventura, Di Yacovo, Maria S, Molto, Jose, Ferrer, Elena, Curran, Adrian et al.
DOI: 10.1093/jac/dku558

Switching from zidovudine/lamivudine to tenofovir/emtricitabine improves fat distribution as measured by fat mass ratio.

PMID: 25496141
Year: 2015
Reference: HIV Med. 2015 Jul;16(6):370-4. doi: 10.1111/hiv.12210. Epub 2014 Dec 11.
Impact factor: 3.454
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Martinez, E, Ribera, E, Clotet, B, Estrada, V, Sanz, J, Berenguer, J, Rubio, R, Pulido, F, Larrousse, M, Curran, A et al.
DOI: 10.1111/hiv.12210

Immune Reconstitution in Severely Immunosuppressed Antiretroviral-Naive HIV-1-Infected Patients Starting Efavirenz, Lopinavir-Ritonavir, or Atazanavir-Ritonavir Plus Tenofovir/Emtricitabine: Final 48-Week Results (The Advanz-3 Trial).

PMID: 25831464
Year: 2015
Reference: J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Jun 1;69(2):206-15. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000567.
Impact factor: 4.556
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Plana, Montserrat, Gatell, Jose M, Miro, Jose M, Plana, Montserrat, Gatell, Jose M, Cruceta, Ana, Beleta, Helena, Perez, Inaki, Ferrer, Elena, Podzamczer, Daniel et al.
DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000567

Liver biopsy-related infection in liver transplant recipients: A current matter of concern?

PMID: 24395813
Year: 2014
Reference: Liver Transpl. 2014 May;20(5):552-6. doi: 10.1002/lt.23817. Epub 2014 Jan 27.
Impact factor: 3.793
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Sanchez, Cristina Lopez, Len, Oscar, Gavalda, Joan, Bilbao, Itxarone, Gelabert, Maria Arantzazu, Allende, Helena, Pahissa, Albert, Castells, Lluis et al.
DOI: 10.1002/lt.23817

HIV-2 viral tropism influences CD4+ T cell count regardless of viral load.

PMID: 24788659
Year: 2014
Reference: J Antimicrob Chemother. 2014 Aug;69(8):2191-4. doi: 10.1093/jac/dku119. Epub 2014 Apr 30.
Impact factor: 5.439
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Perez-Trallero, E, Trevino, Ana, Soriano, Vicente, Poveda, Eva, Parra, Patricia, Cabezas, Teresa, Caballero, Estrella, Calderon, E, Leal, M, Vallejo, A et al.
DOI: 10.1093/jac/dku119

HIV-2 and HTLV-1 infections in Spain, a non-endemic region.

PMID: 25180694
Journal: AIDS REV
Year: 2014
Reference: AIDS Rev. 2014 Jul-Sep;16(3):152-9.
Impact factor: 4.023
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: de Mendoza, Carmen, Caballero, Estrella, Aguilera, Antonio, Piron, Maria, Ortiz de Lejarazu, Raul, Rodriguez, Carmen, Cabezas, Teresa, Gonzalez, Rocio, Trevino, Ana, Soriano, Vicente et al.

Antibiotic susceptibility in gram-positive chronic joint arthroplasty infections: increased aminoglycoside resistance rate in patients with prior aminoglycoside-impregnated cement spacer use.

PMID: 24798194
Year: 2014
Reference: J Arthroplasty. 2014 Aug;29(8):1617-21. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2014.03.029. Epub 2014 Mar 29.
Impact factor: 2.369
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Flores, Xavier, Larrosa, Nieves, Pigrau, Carles, Rodriguez-Pardo, Dolors, Espinal, Laia, Corona, Pablo S et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2014.03.029

Bone and joint tuberculosis.

PMID: 22711012
Year: 2013
Reference: Eur Spine J. 2013 Jun;22 Suppl 4:556-66. doi: 10.1007/s00586-012-2331-y. Epub 2012 Jun 19.
Impact factor: 2.133
Publication type: Review in international publication
Authors: Pigrau-Serrallach, Carlos, Rodriguez-Pardo, Dolores et al.
DOI: 10.1007/s00586-012-2331-y

Effect of adequate single-drug vs combination antimicrobial therapy on mortality in Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infections: a post Hoc analysis of a prospective cohort.

PMID: 23580739
Year: 2013
Reference: Clin Infect Dis. 2013 Jul;57(2):208-16. doi: 10.1093/cid/cit223. Epub 2013 Apr 11.
Impact factor: 9.374
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Tubau, Fe, Oliver, Antonio, Martinez-Martinez, Luis, Rodriguez, Fernando, Rodriguez-Bano, Jesus, Granados, Ana, Pena, Carmen, Suarez, Cristina, Ocampo-Sosa, Alain, Murillas, Javier et al.
DOI: 10.1093/cid/cit223

Treatment of invasive fungal infections in high-risk haematological patients: what have we learnt in the past 10 years?

PMID: 24399355
Journal: Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia
Year: 2013
Reference: Rev Esp Quimioter. 2013 Dec;26(4):378-86.
Impact factor: 0.836
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Vallejo, Carlos, Vazquez, Lourdes, Cabrera Martin, Jose Rafael, Carreras, Enric, Garcia Rodriguez, Julio, Ruiz Camps, Isabel, Fortun, Jesus, Mensa, Josep, Barberan, Jose et al.

EPICO PROJECT. Development of educational recommendations using the DELPHI technique on invasive candidiasis in non- neutropenic critically ill adult patients.

PMID: 23817652
Journal: Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia
Year: 2013
Reference: Rev Esp Quimioter. 2013 Jun;26(2):131-50.
Impact factor: 0.836
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Vilas Otero, Maria Elena, Fortun Abete, Jesus, Leon Lopez, Rafael, Aragon Gonzalez, Cesar, Valia Vera, Juan Carlos, Borges Sa, Marcio, Bouzada, Mercedes, Suarez Gonzalo, Luis, Soriano Cuesta, Cruz, Lopez Ramos, Esther et al.

Reduced incidence of pneumonia in influenza-vaccinated solid organ transplant recipients with influenza disease.

PMID: 23078072
Year: 2012
Reference: Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012 Dec;18(12):E533-E540. doi: 10.1111/1469-0691.12044. Epub 2012 Oct 19.
Impact factor: 4.54
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Perez-Romero, P, Aydillo, T A, Perez-Ordonez, A, Munoz, P, Moreno, A, Lopez-Medrano, F, Bodro, M, Montejo, M, Gavalda, J, Carmen Farinas, M et al.
DOI: 10.1111/1469-0691.12044

Outcome of Clostridium difficile-associated disease in solid organ transplant recipients: a prospective and multicentre cohort study.

PMID: 23039822
Year: 2012
Reference: Transpl Int. 2012 Dec;25(12):1275-1281. doi: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2012.01568.x. Epub 2012 Oct 5.
Impact factor: 2.921
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Len, Oscar, Rodriguez-Pardo, Dolores, Gavalda, Joan, Aguado, Jose Maria, Blanes, Marino, Borrell, Nuria, Bou, German, Carratala, Jordi, Cisneros, Jose Miguel, Fortun, Jesus et al.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-2277.2012.01568.x

The development and successful implementation of the VINCat Program.

PMID: 22776147
Year: 2012
Reference: Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2012 Jun;30 Suppl 3:3-6.
Impact factor: 1.491
Publication type: Review in national publication
Authors: Gudiol, Francesc, Limon, Enric, Fondevilla, Esther, Argimon, Josep M, Almirante, Benito, Pujol, Miquel et al.
DOI: 10.1016/S0213-005X(12)70089-7

Influenza A H1N1/2009 infection in pediatric solid organ transplant recipients.

PMID: 22998763
Journal: Transplant Infectious Disease
Year: 2012
Reference: Transpl Infect Dis. 2012 Dec;14(6):584-8. doi: 10.1111/tid.12005. Epub 2012 Sep 24.
Impact factor: 2.216
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Campins, M, Vilalta, R, Alonso, A, Len, O, Navarro, M, Nieto, J, Jara, P, Charco, R, Pahissa, A, Cordero, E et al.
DOI: 10.1111/tid.12005

Outcome of pandemic H1N1 infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.

PMID: 21546495
Journal: Haematologica-The Hematology Journal
Year: 2011
Reference: Haematologica. 2011 Aug;96(8):1231-5. Epub 2011 May 5.
Impact factor: 6.532
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Ward, K N, Halter, Jorg, Martino, Rodrigo, Mohty, Bilal, Sucak, Gulsan, Ullmann, Andrew J, Vazquez, Lourdes, Ward, Katherine N, Engelhard, Dan, Abecasis, M et al.
DOI: 10.3324/haematol.2011.041913

HIV and TB coinfection: using adjusted doses of lopinavir/ritonavir with rifampin.

PMID: 22114961
Journal: Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy
Year: 2011
Reference: Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2011 Dec;9(12):1115-8.
Impact factor: 3.09
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Curran, Adrian, Ribera, Esteban et al.
DOI: 10.1586/eri.11.143

Valganciclovir as pre-emptive therapy for cytomegalovirus infection in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.

PMID: 22024510
Year: 2011
Reference: Antivir Ther. 2011;16(7):951-7.
Impact factor: 3.774
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Ruiz-Camps, Isabel, Len, Oscar, de la Camara, Rafael, Gurgui, Mercedes, Martino, Rodrigo, Jarque, Isidro, Barrenetxea, Cristina, Diaz de Heredia, Cristina, Batlle, Montserrat, Rovira, Montserrat et al.
DOI: 10.3851/IMP1858

Low-density lipoprotein size and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 in HIV-infected patients switching to abacavir or tenofovir.

PMID: 21685533
Year: 2011
Reference: Antivir Ther. 2011;16(4):459-68.
Impact factor: 3.774
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Podzamczer, Daniel, Gatell, Josep Maria, Curran, Adrian, Saumoy, Maria, Ordonez-Llanos, Jordi, Martinez, Esteban, Barragan, Patricia, Ribera, Esteban, Bonet, Rosa, Knobel, Hernando et al.
DOI: 10.3851/IMP1785

Substitution of raltegravir for ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors in HIV-infected patients: the SPIRAL study.

PMID: 20467288
Journal: AIDS
Year: 2010
Reference: AIDS. 2010 Jul 17;24(11):1697-707.
Impact factor: 4.909
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Segura, F, Martinez, Esteban, Larrousse, Maria, Llibre, Josep M, Gutierrez, Felix, Saumoy, Maria, Antela, Antonio, Knobel, Hernando, Murillas, Javier, Berenguer, Juan et al.
DOI: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e32833a608a

Selection and viral load kinetics of an oseltamivir-resistant pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus in an immunocompromised patient during treatment with neuraminidase inhibitors.

PMID: 20955912
Year: 2010
Reference: Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2010 Nov;68(3):214-9.
Impact factor: 2.451
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Anton, Andres, Lopez-Iglesias, Ana Alicia, Tortola, Teresa, Ruiz-Camps, Isabel, Abrisqueta, Pau, Llopart, Lluis, Marcos, Maria Angeles, Martinez, Miguel Julian, Tudo, Griselda, Bosch, Francesc et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2010.08.003

Immune reconstitution in severely immunosuppressed antiretroviral-naive HIV type 1-infected patients using a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based or a boosted protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral regimen: three-year results (The Advanz Trial): a randomized, controlled trial.

PMID: 20624069
Year: 2010
Reference: AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2010 Jul;26(7):747-57.
Impact factor: 2.178
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Manzardo, Christian, Plana, Montserrat, Gatell, Jose M, Miro, Jose M, Plana, Montserrat, Gatell, Jose M, Arnaiz, Juan A, Cruceta, Ana, Pich, Judit, de Lazzari, Elisa et al.
DOI: 10.1089/aid.2009.0105

Kaposi sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus microRNA sequence analysis and KS risk in a European AIDS-KS case control study.

PMID: 20715927
Year: 2010
Reference: J Infect Dis. 2010 Oct 1;202(7):1126-35.
Impact factor: 5.865
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Gaya, A, Diaz, M, Cadafalch, J, Fuste, M, Baselga, E, Alegre, M, Bolao, F, Ferrer, E, Podzamczer, D, Lazzarin, A et al.
DOI: 10.1086/656045

Impact of prior pneumococcal vaccination on clinical outcomes in HIV-infected adult patients hospitalized with invasive pneumococcal disease.

PMID: 19490180
Year: 2009
Reference: HIV Med. 2009 Jul;10(6):356-63.
Impact factor: 3.103
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Imaz, A, Falco, V, Penaranda, M, Jordano, Q, Martinez, X, Nadal, C, Curran, A, Planes, A M, Dalmau, D, Ribera, E et al.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2009.00695.x

Clinical and molecular epidemiology of community-acquired, healthcare-associated and nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococus aureus in Spain.

PMID: 19456840
Year: 2009
Reference: Clin Microbiol Infect. 2009 Dec;15(12):1111-8.
Impact factor: 3.554
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Amador, C, Blazquez, J, Dominguez, C, Mirete, C, Gea, M, Bermudez, M, Alarcon, T, Cuevas, C, Carrasco, N, Jimeno, J et al.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2009.02717.x

A simplification trial switching from nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors to once-daily fixed-dose abacavir/lamivudine or tenofovir/emtricitabine in HIV-1-infected patients with virological suppression.

PMID: 19398921
Year: 2009
Reference: J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Jul 1;51(3):290-7.
Impact factor: 4.57
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: de los Santos, Ignacio, Martinez, Esteban, Arranz, Jose A, Podzamczer, Daniel, Lonca, Montserrat, Sanz, Jose, Barragan, Patricia, Ribera, Esteban, Knobel, Hernando, Roca, Victor et al.
DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e3181aa12d5

HIV-1 Infection in Subjects Older than 70: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Assessment in Catalonia, Spain.

PMID: 19929794
Year: 2009
Reference: Curr HIV Res. 2009 Nov;7(6):597-600.
Impact factor: 2.495
Publication type: Review or editorial in international publication
Authors: Gatell, Jose Maria, Clotet, Bonaventura, Perez-Alvarez, Niria, Paredes, Roger, Negredo, Eugenia, Mothe, Beatriz, Perez, Inaki, Domingo, Pere, Podzamczer, Daniel, Ribera, Esteban et al.



The study aims to investigate how excess body fat alters the number and function of T lymphocytes, leading to a greater predisposition to infectious diseases.

This project will make societies aware of their rights related to sexual and reproductive health and empower young people to make informed and appropriate choices.

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