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Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)

The Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN) is a translational research group fully integrated into the European research community and accredited as a Consolidated Research Group since 2005.

The UNINN conduct both basic and clinical research, with the aim of transferring benchside discoveries to the bedside. We have robust intramural synergies, national collaborations with basic scientists, and international collaborations and alliances with researchers from multiple countries and institutions with whom we share common research goals.

Our research unit participates in multinational clinical trials funded by the pharmaceutical industry and the European Union (EU). Our research unit is highly focused on developing and using new technologies to improve the assessment of clinical outcomes, incorporating quality of life measures, and patient-reported outcomes. We also maintain an important collection of brain tissue samples, serum, LCR, and microdialysates from the cerebral extracellular space of neurocritical patients. 


Ma Antonia Poca Pastor

Ma Antonia Poca Pastor

Head of group
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Fuat Arikan Abello

Fuat Arikan Abello

Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Joan Sahuquillo Barris

Joan Sahuquillo Barris

Main researcher
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Miriam de Nadal Clanchet

Miriam de Nadal Clanchet

Main researcher
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Francisco Ramón Martínez Ricarte

Francisco Ramón Martínez Ricarte

Predoctoral researcher
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Alejandro Ferré Masó

Alejandro Ferré Masó

Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Ma Antonia Poca Pastor

Ma Antonia Poca Pastor

Head of group
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Fuat Arikan Abello

Fuat Arikan Abello

Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Joan Sahuquillo Barris

Joan Sahuquillo Barris

Main researcher
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Miriam de Nadal Clanchet

Miriam de Nadal Clanchet

Main researcher
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Francisco Ramón Martínez Ricarte

Francisco Ramón Martínez Ricarte

Predoctoral researcher
Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Alejandro Ferré Masó

Alejandro Ferré Masó

Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)
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Research lines

Congenital malformations of the cranio-vertebral junction (Consolidated line)

General aims: Chiari malformation is an entity that is diagnosed more and more frequently. The fundamental diagnostic element of this congenital malformation is a descent of the cerebellum towards the cervical canal, which produces local compression phenomena and alterations in the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid. However, there are great discrepancies about how the study and treatment of these patients is carried out in the different centers, which affects their final result. Our main objective in this line of research is to better understand the origin and repercussions of these malformations and contribute to improving treatment and, therefore, its final result.

Specific aims: 1) To deepen the knowledge of the pathophysiology of craniocervical malformations, especially Chiari Type 1 (MC-1) malformation, and to quantify the repercussion of these malformations in the clinical, social, and occupational fields. 2) Study the genetic bases of this malformation and its penetrance at the family level. 3) To study sleep disturbances (particularly the type and frequency of nocturnal apnea) associated with CM-1. 4) Study of the quality of life in patients with a malformation of the craniocervical joint before and after surgical treatment. 5) To deepen the knowledge of the cognitive-affective syndrome that patients affected by CM-1 may present (research project FIS PI22/01082). 6) Contribute to the homogenization in the management of MC-1 from the participation of our group in the consensus conferences aimed at the elaboration of clinical practice guidelines to be applied in the diagnosis and treatment of these patients.

IP: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor, Joan Sahuquillo Barris

Hydrocephalus and alterations in the dynamics of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (Consolidated Line)

General aim: Hydrocephalus is a very frequent pathology in the neurosurgical field, especially in pediatric patients. Its presence can lead to cognitive sequelae and disability that may be preventable with proper treatment. Our group has focused on a better understanding of its pathophysiology, on improving early diagnoses, and on the development of more specific biomarkers aimed at improving the clinical outcomes of these patients.

Specific aims: 1) Acquire new knowledge about the pathophysiology of normal pressure hydrocephalus and idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri) and optimize diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in these patients. 2) To establish the brain biochemical alterations (neurotransmitters and neuropeptides) that occur in these patients and their involvement in cognitive functions and sleep disorders. 3) To correlate the cognitive deficit with the morphological and functional alterations of different brain structures such as the corpus callosum and the subcortical white matter. 4) Search for less invasive systems that offer reliable information on intracranial pressure (SafeICP research project).

IP: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor, Joan Sahuquillo Barris

Neurotraumatology and acute neurological pathology (Consolidated Line)

General aims: To study the neurochemical, physiopathological and cerebral metabolism alterations, as well as the application of new monitoring techniques in patients who have suffered a head injury (TBI) or other acute neurological pathology (neurocritical patients).

Specific aims: 1) To deepen the knowledge of metabolic alterations and oxygen transport at the tissue level in acute brain injuries. 2) Deepen the repercussions of anemia and blood transfusions on the ability to supply oxygen to the brain (research project La Marató TV3 201724 30 31). 3) To study the cerebral and systemic inflammatory response induced by acute brain injury, using high-resolution microdialysis techniques. 4) To analyze the phenomena of periinfarct depolarization in patients with acute brain injuries and their metabolic repercussions. 5) Applications of high-resolution microdialysis to the definition of the molecular profile of post-traumatic and ischemic cerebral edema and study of the contribution of non-selective cation channels in its formation. 6) Study mitochondrial dysfunction in patients who have suffered a TBI and develop a histotoxic hypoxia model from cultures in adult human brain slices obtained in surgical resections. 7) Validate the use of early blood cell biomarkers to define specific risk populations in adult and pediatric patients who have presented a mild TBI (BRAINI2 research project).

IP: Joan Sahuquillo Barris


(SafeICP) Plataforma fotónica no invasiva para la detección a pie de cama de la hipertensión intracraneal y otras anomalías de la dinámica del líquido cerebroespinal.

IP: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor
Collaborators: Joan Sahuquillo Barris, Maria Sueiras Gil, Diego Fernando Lopez Bermeo
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 335384
Reference: PLEC2022-009290
Duration: 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2025

Ministerio de Ciencia

Unitat recerca en neurotraumatologia i neurocirurg

IP: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor
Collaborators: Dulce María Moncho Rodríguez, Joan Sahuquillo Barris, Fuat Arikan Abello, Miriam de Nadal Clanchet, Maria Sueiras Gil, Alejandro Ferré Masó, Francisco Ramón Martínez Ricarte
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 60000
Reference: 2021 SGR 00810
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Caracterización estructural y funcional de la vía visual anterior en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple temprana (VISIONEM).

IP: Angela Vidal Jordana
Collaborators: Dulce María Moncho Rodríguez, Alex Rovira Cañellas, Manel Alberich Jordà, Neus Mongay Ochoa, Joaquin Castillo Justribo, Sergio Cabello
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 48400
Reference: PI22/01589
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Impacto del síndrome afectivo-cognitivo cerebeloso (Síndrome de Schmahmann) en los pacientes con una malformación de Chiari tipo 1.

IP: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor
Collaborators: Joan Sahuquillo Barris, Alejandro Ferré Masó, Diego Fernando Lopez Bermeo
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 99220
Reference: PI22/01082
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025


Comparison of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen, blood flow, and bispectral index under general anesthesia.

PMID: 36911206
Journal: Neurophotonics
Year: 2023
Reference: Neurophotonics. 2023 Jan;10(1):015006. doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.10.1.015006. Epub 2023 Mar 6.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: da Prat, Ivette Chochron; da Prat, Ivette Chochron; de Nadal, Miriam; Durduran, Turgut; Kacprzak, Michal; Lindner, Claus; Maruccia, Federica; Poca, Maria A; Sanchez-Guerrero, Angela; Serra, Isabel et al.
DOI: 10.1117/1.NPh.10.1.015006

Accuracy of Manual Intracranial Pressure Recording Compared to a Computerized High-Resolution System: A CENTER-TBI Analysis.

PMID: 36922475
Journal: Neurocritical Care
Year: 2023
Reference: Neurocrit Care. 2023 Jun;38(3):781-790. doi: 10.1007/s12028-023-01697-2. Epub 2023 Mar 15.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Akerlund, Cecilia A I; Anke, Audny; Beer, Ronny; Bellander, Bo-Michael; Beqiri, Erta; Birg, Tatiana; Buki, Andras; Cabeleira, Manuel; Carbonara, Marco; Chieregato, Arturo et al.
DOI: 10.1007/s12028-023-01697-2

Prognostication and Goals of Care Decisions in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Survey of The Seattle International Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Consensus Conference Working Group.

PMID: 36932737
Year: 2023
Reference: J Neurotrauma. 2023 Aug;40(15-16):1707-1717. doi: 10.1089/neu.2022.0414. Epub 2023 Apr 28.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Aguilera, Sergio; Bell, Randy S; Buki, Andras; Chesnut, Randall M; Citerio, Giuseppe; Cooper, D James; Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon R; Diringer, Michael; Figaji, Anthony; Gao, Guoyi et al.
DOI: 10.1089/neu.2022.0414

A multistrain probiotic increases the serum glutamine/glutamate ratio in patients with cirrhosis: a metabolomic analysis.

PMID: 37026745
Journal: Hepatology Communications
Year: 2023
Reference: Hepatol Commun. 2023 Apr 4;7(4):e0072. doi: 10.1097/HC9.0000000000000072. eCollection 2023 Apr 1.
Impact factor:
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Alvarado, Edilmar; Canalda-Baltrons, Aleix; Claria, Joan; Cuyas, Berta; Escorsell, Angels; Guarner, Carlos; Laghi, Luca; Lan, Qiuyu; Manichanh, Chaysavanh; Nieto, Juan Camilo et al.
DOI: 10.1097/HC9.0000000000000072

Sleep increases leaks and asynchronies during home noninvasive ventilation: a polysomnographic study.

PMID: 34314351
Journal: Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
Year: 2022
Reference: J Clin Sleep Med. 2022 Jan 1;18(1):225-233. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9546.
Impact factor: 4.062
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Marti, Sergi; Ferre, Alex; Sampol, Gabriel; Pallero, Mercedes; Romero, Odile; Ferrer, Jaume; Sampol, Julia et al.
DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.9546

Prevalence of common origin of the innominate and left carotid artery (CILCA) or bovine arch configuration in patients with blunt aortic injury.

PMID: 35112824
Year: 2022
Reference: Int Angiol. 2022 Apr;41(2):170-176. doi: 10.23736/S0392-9590.22.04793-9. Epub 2022 Feb 3.
Impact factor: 2.789
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Tello-Diaz, Cristina; Alvarez Garcia, Beatriz; Gil-Sala, Daniel; Riveiro Vilaboa, Marilyn; Tenezaca-Sari, Xavier; Bellmunt, Sergi et al.
DOI: 10.23736/S0392-9590.22.04793-9

Planning for the assistance of critically ill patients in a Pandemic Situation: The experience of Vall d'Hebron University Hospital.

PMID: 34872890
Year: 2022
Reference: Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin (Engl Ed). 2022 Feb;40(2):71-77. doi: 10.1016/j.eimce.2021.11.003. Epub 2021 Nov 26.
Impact factor: 1.731
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Ferrer, Ricard; Baguena, Marcelino; Balcells, Joan; Baneras, Jordi; Biarnes, Alfons; de Nadal, Miriam; Gracia, Rosa Maria; Martinez, Jesus; Nuvials, Xavier; Riera, Jordi et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eimce.2021.11.003

Epileptic seizures in the emergency room: clinical and electroencephalographic findings associated with brain perfusion patterns on computed tomography.

PMID: 35152335
Year: 2022
Reference: J Neurol. 2022 Jul;269(7):3761-3769. doi: 10.1007/s00415-022-11005-1. Epub 2022 Feb 13.
Impact factor: 4.849
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Coscojuela, P; Fonseca, E; Quintana, M; Sarria-Estrada, S; Santamarina, E; Abraira, L; Sueiras, M; Thonon, V; Alvarez-Sabin, J; Toledo, M et al.
DOI: 10.1007/s00415-022-11005-1

Neurodevelopmental profile in children with benign external hydrocephalus syndrome. A pilot cohort study.

PMID: 33973055
Year: 2021
Reference: Childs Nerv Syst. 2021 Sep;37(9):2799-2806. doi: 10.1007/s00381-021-05201-z. Epub 2021 May 10.
Impact factor: 1.475
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Maruccia, Federica, Gomariz, Laura, Rosas, Katiuska, Durduran, Turgut, Paredes-Carmona, Fernando, Sahuquillo, Juan, Poca, Maria A et al.
DOI: 10.1007/s00381-021-05201-z

Blood flow response to orthostatic challenge identifies signatures of the failure of static cerebral autoregulation in patients with cerebrovascular disease.

PMID: 33836684
Journal: BMC Neurology
Year: 2021
Reference: BMC Neurol. 2021 Apr 9;21(1):154. doi: 10.1186/s12883-021-02179-8.
Impact factor: 2.474
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Marti-Fabregas, Joan, Prats-Sanchez, Luis, Martinez-Domeno, Alejandro, Kasner, Scott E, Greenberg, Joel H, Zhou, Chao, Edlow, Brian L, Putt, Mary E, Detre, John A, Yodh, Arjun G et al.
DOI: 10.1186/s12883-021-02179-8

How to Choose a Shunt for Patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: A Short Guide to Selecting the Best Shunt Assembly.

PMID: 33803977
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2021
Reference: J Clin Med. 2021 Mar 15;10(6). pii: jcm10061210. doi: 10.3390/jcm10061210.
Impact factor: 4.242
Publication type: Review in international publication
Authors: Sahuquillo, Juan, Rosas, Katiuska, Calvo, Helena, Alcina, Aloma, Gandara, Dario, Lopez-Bermeo, Diego, Poca, Maria-Antonia et al.
DOI: 10.3390/jcm10061210

Considerations in the Use of Gravitational Valves in the Management of Hydrocephalus. Some Lessons Learned with the Dual-Switch Valve.

PMID: 33445418
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2021
Reference: J Clin Med. 2021 Jan 12;10(2). pii: jcm10020246. doi: 10.3390/jcm10020246.
Impact factor: 4.242
Publication type: Review in international publication
Authors: Poca, Maria A, Gandara, Dario F, Rosas, Katiuska, Alcina, Aloma, Lopez-Bermeo, Diego, Sahuquillo, Juan et al.
DOI: 10.3390/jcm10020246

Multiple cerebral arteriovenous malformations associated to rostral hypoplasia of the superior sagittal sinus: case report.

PMID: 27273219
Journal: Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences
Year: 2020
Reference: J Neurosurg Sci. 2020 Jun;64(3):287-290. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.16.03612-2. Epub 2016 Jun 7.
Impact factor: 1.645
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: TORNe, Ramon, Molina Jaque, Felipe A, Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Arikan, Fuat, Tomasello, Alejandro, Lopez-Bermeo, Diego et al.
DOI: 10.23736/S0390-5616.16.03612-2

Non-invasive estimation of intracranial pressure by diffuse optics - a proof-of-concept study.

PMID: 32460617
Year: 2020
Reference: J Neurotrauma. 2020 Dec 1;37(23):2569-2579. doi: 10.1089/neu.2019.6965. Epub 2020 Jul 7.
Impact factor: 3.793
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Rey-Perez, Anna, Baguena, Marcelino, Cano, Paola, Zucca, Riccardo, Weigel, Udo Michael, Sahuquillo, Juan, Poca, Maria A Dr, Durduran, Turgut, Maruccia, Federica, Tagliabue, Susanna et al.
DOI: 10.1089/neu.2019.6965

Distal catheter lengthening in pediatric patients with hydrocephalus using a guidewire-assisted technique.

PMID: 32232564
Year: 2020
Reference: Childs Nerv Syst. 2020 Nov;36(11):2733-2740. doi: 10.1007/s00381-020-04591-w. Epub 2020 Mar 30.
Impact factor: 1.298
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Poca, Maria A, Cano, Paola, Munar, Francisca, Gonzalez, Diego, Rosas, Katiuska, Sahuquillo, Juan et al.
DOI: 10.1007/s00381-020-04591-w

Myocardial Injury After Noncardiac Surgery: Incidence, Predictive Factors, and Outcome in High-Risk Patients Undergoing Thoracic Surgery: An Observational Study.

PMID: 31515189
Year: 2020
Reference: J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2020 Feb;34(2):426-432. doi: 10.1053/j.jvca.2019.08.014. Epub 2019 Aug 16.
Impact factor: 2.258
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Gonzalez-Tallada, Anna, Borrell-Vega, Jaume, Coronado, Carolina, Morales, Paula, de Miguel, Marcos, Ferreira-Gonzalez, Ignacio, de Nadal, Miriam et al.
DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2019.08.014

Kir6.2, the Pore-Forming Subunit of ATP-Sensitive K+ Channels, Is Overexpressed in Human Posttraumatic Brain Contusions

PMID: 29737232
Year: 2019
Reference: Journal of Neurotrauma. 2019 Jan;36(1):165-75. doi: 10.1089/neu.2017.5619
Impact factor: 3.754
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: , , Poca, Maria-Antonia, Castro González, Lidia, Montoya Clemente, Noelia, Vidal Jorge, Marian, Sanchez Ortiz, David, Gandara, Dario, Martinez-Saez, Elena, Cicuendez, Marta et al.
DOI: 10.1089/neu.2017.5619

What s new in intraabdominal candidiasis in critically ill patients, a review.

PMID: 31585520
Journal: Hospital practice (1995)
Year: 2019
Reference: Hosp Pract (1995). 2019 Oct;47(4):171-176. doi: 10.1080/21548331.2019.1677032. Epub 2019 Oct 24.
Impact factor: 0
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Lagunes, L, Rey-Perez, A et al.
DOI: 10.1080/21548331.2019.1677032

A rare case of an intramedullary metastasis of a myxopapillary ependymoma.

PMID: 31528421
Journal: Surgical neurology international
Year: 2019
Reference: Surg Neurol Int. 2019 May 10;10:83. doi: 10.25259/SNI-96-2019. eCollection 2019.
Impact factor: 0
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Fonseca, Lino, Cicuendez, Marta, Martinez-Ricarte, Francisco, Martinez-Saez, Elena, Cordero, Esteban, Bescos, Agustin et al.
DOI: 10.25259/SNI-96-2019

Microvascular cerebral blood flow fluctuations in association with apneas and hypopneas in acute ischemic stroke.

PMID: 31037244
Journal: Neurophotonics
Year: 2019
Reference: Neurophotonics. 2019 Apr;6(2):025004. doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.6.2.025004. Epub 2019 Apr 23.
Impact factor: 3.581
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Gregori-Pla, Clara, Delgado-Mederos, Raquel, Cotta, Gianluca, Giacalone, Giacomo, Maruccia, Federica, Avtzi, Stella, Prats-Sanchez, Luis, Martinez-Domeno, Alejandro, Camps-Renom, Pol, Marti-Fabregas, Joan et al.
DOI: 10.1117/1.NPh.6.2.025004

Neuropsychological alterations and neuroradiological findings in patients with post-traumatic concussion: Results of a pilot study.

PMID: 28007313
Year: 2018
Reference: Neurologia. 2018 Sep;33(7):427-437. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2016.10.003. Epub 2016 Dec 20.
Impact factor: 1.938
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Radoi, A, Poca, M A, Canas, V, Cevallos, J M, Membrado, L, Saavedra, M C, Vidal, M, Martinez-Ricarte, F, Sahuquillo, J et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nrl.2016.10.003

Revascularization experience and results in ischaemic cerebrovascular disease: Moyamoya disease and carotid occlusion.

PMID: 29550248
Year: 2018
Reference: Neurocirugia (Astur). 2018 Jul - Aug;29(4):170-186. doi: 10.1016/j.neucir.2018.01.006. Epub 2018 Mar 14.
Impact factor: 0.31
Publication type: Paper in national publication
Authors: Arikan, Fuat, Rubiera, Marta, Serena, Joaquin, Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Gandara, Dario, Lorenzo-Bosquet, Carles, Tomasello, Alejandro, Chocron, Ivette, Quintana-Corvalan, Maximiliano, Sahuquillo, Juan et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neucir.2018.01.006

Anatomical Variations of Brain Venous Sinuses in Patients with Arteriovenous Malformations: Incidental Finding or Causative Factor?

PMID: 29462735
Journal: World Neurosurgery
Year: 2018
Reference: World Neurosurg. 2018 May;113:e465-e470. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.02.057. Epub 2018 Feb 17.
Impact factor: 1.924
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Torne, Ramon, Reyes, Luis, Ensenat, Joaquim, Sanroman, Luis, Urra, Xabier et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.02.057

Association between source control and mortality in 258 patients with intra-abdominal candidiasis: a retrospective multi-centric analysis comparing intensive care versus surgical wards in Spain.

PMID: 27649699
Year: 2017
Reference: Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017 Jan;36(1):95-104. doi: 10.1007/s10096-016-2775-9. Epub 2016 Sep 21.
Impact factor: 2.727
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Lagunes, L, Rey-Perez, A, Martin-Gomez, M T, Vena, A, de Egea, V, Munoz, P, Bouza, E, Diaz-Martin, A, Palacios-Garcia, I, Garnacho-Montero, J et al.
DOI: 10.1007/s10096-016-2775-9

Intracranial Arterial Dissection Mimicking a Saccular Aneurysm: Clinical Image.

PMID: 27923760
Journal: World Neurosurgery
Year: 2017
Reference: World Neurosurg. 2017 Feb;98:867.e5-867.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.145. Epub 2016 Dec 5.
Impact factor: 2.685
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Torne, Ramon, Arikan, Fuat et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.145

The Superior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysm: A Posterior Circulation Aneurysm with Favorable Microsurgical Outcomes.

PMID: 28327921
Year: 2017
Reference: Neurosurgery. 2017 Jun 1;80(6):908-916. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyw111.
Impact factor: 4.889
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Walcott, Brian P, Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Lawton, Michael T, Birk, Harjus et al.
DOI: 10.1093/neuros/nyw111

[Arteriovenous malformations of the brain: personal experience with 121 patients treated with microsurgery].

PMID: 27113073
Year: 2016
Reference: Rev Neurol. 2016 May 1;62(9):431.
Impact factor: 0.684
Publication type: Letter or abstract
Authors: Torne, R, Rodriguez-Hernandez, A et al.

Prognosis of patients in coma after acute subdural hematoma due to ruptured intracranial aneurysm.

PMID: 26755452
Year: 2016
Reference: J Clin Neurosci. 2016 Apr;26:126-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.06.028. Epub 2016 Jan 2.
Impact factor: 1.387
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Romero-Chala, Fabian, Arikan, Fuat, Vilalta, Jordi, Sahuquillo, Juan, Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Torne, Ramon et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.06.028

Subarachnoid hemorrhage in systemic lupus erythematosus: Systematic review and report of three cases.

PMID: 25462090
Year: 2015
Reference: Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Jan;128:17-24. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2014.10.018. Epub 2014 Nov 4.
Impact factor: 1.248
Publication type: Review in international publication
Authors: Sahuquillo, Juan, Torne, Ramon, Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Bernard, Teuddis, Arikan Abello, Fuat, Vilalta Castan, Jordi et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2014.10.018

Posterior fossa arteriovenous malformations: Significance of higher incidence of bleeding and hydrocephalus.

PMID: 25938563
Year: 2015
Reference: Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2015 Jul;134:37-43. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.04.003. Epub 2015 Apr 17.
Impact factor: 1.127
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Sahuquillo, Juan, Vilalta, Jordi, Cicuendez, Marta, Romero-Chala, Fabian, Torne, Ramon, Rodriguez-Hernandez, Ana, Arikan, Fuat et al.
DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2015.04.003

Lactate and the lactate-to-pyruvate molar ratio cannot be used as independent biomarkers for monitoring brain energetic metabolism: a microdialysis study in patients with traumatic brain injuries.

PMID: 25025772
Journal: PLOS ONE
Year: 2014
Reference: PLoS One. 2014 Jul 15;9(7):e102540. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102540. eCollection 2014.
Impact factor: 3.534
Publication type: Paper in international publication
Authors: Sahuquillo, Juan, Merino, Maria-Angels, Sanchez-Guerrero, Angela, Arikan, Fuat, Vidal-Jorge, Marian, Martinez-Valverde, Tamara, Rey, Anna, Riveiro, Marilyn, Poca, Maria-Antonia et al.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102540


Psychomotor evaluation and non-invasive optical monitoring for comprehensive assessment of the benign external hydrocephalus syndrome

PhD student: Federica Maruccia
Director/s: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor, Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2023

Análisis de los trastornos respiratorios y de las alteraciones de la arquitectura del sueño en la Malformación de Chiari tipo 1

PhD student: Alejandro Ferré Masó
Director/s: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor, Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2021

Aplicación de la electrocorticografía al estudio de los fenómenos eléctricos cerebrales de despolarización propagada cortical en el traumatismo craneoencefálico y el infarto cerebral maligno

PhD student: Maria Sueiras Gil
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2021

Estudio de las subunidades reguladas por SUR1 (Kir6.2 y TRPM4) en las contusiones cerebrales traumáticas y la isquemia cerebral focal. Desarrollo de un modelo animal de infarto maligno en cerdo

PhD student: Lidia Castro González
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2019

Alteraciones neuropsicológicas y lesiones encefálicas en el traumatismo craneoencefálico leve

PhD student: Irina Andreea Radoi
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris, Ma Antonia Poca Pastor
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2019

High-Resolution Microdialysis to Detect Metabolic Dysfunction after Traumatic Brain Injury

PhD student: Ángela Sánchez Guerrero
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris, Ma Antonia Poca Pastor
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2017

High-Resolution microdialysis applied to the study and treatment of brain metabolic disorders

PhD student: Marian Vidal Jorge
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2017

Impacto del grado de resección quirúrgica en la calidad de vida y la supervivencia en pacientes con gliomas. Resultados de un estudio prospectivo

PhD student: Miguel Ángel Esquivel Miranda
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2017

Estudio neurofisiológico mediante potenciales evocados auditivos de tronco cerebral y somatosensoriales en pacientes con malformación de Chiari tipo 1

PhD student: Dulce María Moncho Rodríguez
Director/s: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor, Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2016

Indicadores clínico-radiológico de valor pronóstico en la patología vascular cerebral

PhD student: Ramon Torne Torne
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2015

Aportaciones de la monitorización intraoperatoria de la presión tisular de oxígeno en neurocirugía vascular

PhD student: Fuat Arikan Abello
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris, Jordi Vilalta Castan
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 2015

Estudio de la morfina y del fentanilo sobre la presión intracraneal y la hemodinámica cerebral en pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico grave

PhD student: Miriam de Nadal Clanchet
Director/s: Joan Sahuquillo Barris, Vicente Gancedo Rodriguez, Enrique Rubio García
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 1998

Estudio de la hemodinámica y del metabolismo cerebral en las lesiones encefálicas difusas secundarias a un traumatismo craneoencefálico grave a partir de las diferentes arterio-yugulares de oxígeno y lactatos

PhD student: Ma Antonia Poca Pastor
Director/s: Enrique Rubio García, Joan Sahuquillo Barris
University: Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Year: 1996



The goal is to test a low-cost, easy-to-use and non-invasive monitor, which will serve to control intracranial pressure (PICO) values, which will help to control and treat different acute brain pathologies.

The new tool will improve patient care and allow early detection of complications, as the hospital previously did not have a specific form.

Entre els projectes es troben 12 investigacions on participen investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron.


Check the current rates for the LUMINEX MAGPIX service offered by the Neurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN).