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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

Manina Medtech received a direct grant of 75,000 euros from the ACCIÓ Startup Capital line, aimed at boosting the growth of emerging companies with high technological potential.

The drug EB1 is able to block resistance pathways to standard cancer treatments and could increase the efficacy of chemotherapy or immunotherapy.

This award is given to people and organisations in recognition of outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology in Catalonia.

EJP RD announces the release of the Innovation Management Toolbox (IMT), a tool created to provide self-help resources specific to the needs of researchers in this type of pathologies.

The research led by Dr. José Alegre has been one of the 21 projects selected in the 19th call for Health Research Grants.

We present VHIR's annual commitment to communicate the scientific and institutional results of 2021 with a renewed format and design.

La Recuperació Intensificada en Cirurgia aconsegueix que el procés perioperatori de les pacients de ginecologia oncològica millori, escurçant l'estada hospitalària, els reingressos, les complicacions postoperatòries i el confort de les pacients.

Ana Sánchez és investigadora predoctoral del grup Diagnostic Nanotools del VHIR i la seva tesi es centra en l’ús de cèl·lules sintètiques per millorar el control de pandèmies de grip.

The research led by Vall d'Hebron is a breakthrough in the search for specific and effective treatments for the disease.

La primera jornada dedicada a aquesta malaltia organitzada pel Campus Vall d’Hebron ha reunit més de 150 assistents.

The article on the mortality rate of young people with HIV due to perinatal transmission after transitioning to adult health care in Spain received the PIDJ award.

The study conducted at Vall d'Hebron shows that having a high level of neurofilament light chains translates, over the years, to a higher level of disability.

Vall d'Hebron és referent en el diagnòstic i abordatge multidisciplinari de l’esteatohepatitis no alcohòlica i liderem el nombre d’assajos clínics a l’Estat sobre NASH.

Researchers have generated a female and male pig model of ischemia/reperfusion renal injury and organ regeneration to study sex differences.

The two studies awarded has been the research for a the ciliary dyskinesia diagnosis led by the VHIR’s Growth and Development Group and the EPISCAN II, in which Dr. Miravitlles has participated.

These studies, part of the BEACON project, describe the efficacy of a new immunotherapy treatment for neuroblastoma and the usefulness of new biomarkers in predicting the prognosis and response to therapy.

Per donar una segona vida als acumuladors de fred que s'usen als laboratoris clínics, després d’higienitzar-los estan disponibles per a totes les unitats assistencials per ser usats amb pacients.

HIV infected cells expressing the CD32 molecule are more resistant to the action of the natural killer cells of the immune system, which are key in the fight against viral infections.

The work was one of the first to identify skin lesions associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in children at the beginning of the pandemic.

28 talented young people have presented their proposals for the metropolis' future after a 9-month immersion in its power structures under the guidance of Barcelona Global.

Aquest matí, pacients i professionals han escrit missatges amb raons per no fumar en dos plafons dissenyats per a l'ocasió i han obtingut obsequis a canvi.

The research aims to identify which patients with isolated radiological syndrome are more likely to develop the disease.

L’Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron acull en el Cemcat l’atenció al pacient amb esclerosi múltiple, convertint-se en un hospital capdavanter en el diagnòstic i tractament d’aquesta patologia.

Durant el mes de juny, organitzem tres activitats sobre assaigs clínics, genètica i imatges científiques.