News All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute! Fulltext search Grups de recerca - Any -Basic, Translational and Clinical Pharmacy ResearchBioengineering, Cell Therapy and Surgery in Congenital MalformationsClinical and Translational BioinformaticsBiomedical Research in Digestive Tract TumorsBiomedical Research in GynaecologyBiomedical Research in MelanomaBiomedical Research in UrologyBiomedical Research in UrologyClinical BiochemistryClinical Biochemistry, Drug Delivery & Therapy (CB-DDT)Head and Neck Cancer: Biomedical Research Cancer Stem cellsChildhood Cancer and Blood DisordersChildhood Cancer and Blood DisordersCardiovascular DiseasesHeadache and Neurological PainCell Signaling and ApoptosisGeneral SurgeryHepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery (HBP) and liver transplantationReconstructive Surgery of the Locomotor SystemClinical NeuroimmunologyClinical PharmacologyClinical Research/Innovation in Pneumonia & Sepsis (CRIPS)Growth and DevelopmentDiabetes and MetabolismDiagnostic nanotools (DINA)Drug Delivery and TargetingDonation and transplantation of organs, tissues and cellsLiver DiseasesInfectious DiseasesNeurodegenerative DiseasesNeurovascular DiseasesSystemic DiseasesMusculoskeletal Tissue EngineeringEpidemiology and Public HealthPhysiology and Pathophysiology of the Digestive TractKidney PhysiopathologyGene and Cell TherapyGene Therapy at Nervous SystemGenetics MedicineResearch Group on Status Epilepticus and Acute SeizuresResearch Group of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationMultidisciplinary Nursing Research GroupMolecular Medical ImagingTranslational ImmunologyInfection and immunity in pediatric patientsResearch on Aging, Frailty and Transitions in BarcelonaStroke researchMicrobiome ResearchMaternal and Fetal MedicineTransfusional MedicineMicrobiologyPharmacokinetic NanoparticlesNephrology and kidney transplantationPneumologyPediatric NeurologyNeuromuscular and Mitochondrial PathologyNeuroradiologyNeurotraumatology and Neurosurgery Research Unit (UNINN)New Technologies and Craniofacial MicrosurgeryOphtalmologyTranslational Molecular PathologyPeripheral Nervous SystemProtein kinases in cancer researchPsychiatry, Mental Health and AddictionsRecerca en Serveis SanitarisRheumatologyShock, Organ Dysfunction and ResuscitationSpine Research UnitTherapeutics and Innovations in Neuropediatrics and other paediatric rare diseases Tags media - Any -#RosesAmbCor#VHTocaElCor30 anysactivitats solidariesAesclickAFANOCAgència Europea del MedicamentAlimentacióAl·lergologiaAnestesiologia i reanimacióangioedema hereditariAngolaansietat i depressióantestesiologia i renanimacióaparell digestiuaparell digestiuaplicacions mòbilsappappsArea de Simulacióarrítmiesartritisassaigs clinicsassistènciaassistencialAssociació Catalana per al ParkinsonassociacionsAtenció Integral d'Infermeria en el Pacient amb Hemofíliaatenció primàriaAudiència de BarcelonaAula Vall d'HebronautoinmuneBanc de SèpsiaBarcelona Respiratory NetworkBCN GlobalBCN-PID FoundationBiobancbiomarcadorsbloc quirúrgicbloc quirúrgicbufa la bombollacalendari vacunalcàncercàncercàncer colorectalcàncer d'ovaricàncer de bufetacàncer de bufetacàncer de mamacàncer de mamacàncer de pròstatacàncer de pròstatacàncer de pulmócàncer d’endometricàncer d’endometricàncer infantilcàncer infantilcardiòlegs del futurcardiologiacardiologiacardiopaties congènitesCARTcasernescefaleacellexcemcatCemcatCentre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de CatalunyaCentre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de CatalunyaChagascirrosis hepàticacirugía robóticaCirurgiacirurgia bariàtricacirurgia cardíacacirurgia Endocrina Metabòlica i BariàtricaCirurgia generalcirurgia general i digestivacirurgia hepatobiliopancreàtica i trasplantamentscirurgia neonatal i fetalcirurgia pediàtricacirurgia vascular i endovascularCodi IctusCOIBColitis Ulcerosacomunicaciócomunicacióconcurs fotogràficconferènciaconfortcongréscongressosCoordinació de TrasplantamentcorcoronavirusCovidCOVID-19cuidador expertCures IntensivesCures; infermeriacursda vincidepartament de salutDepartament de Salut de la GeneralitatdepressióDermatologiadia de la dona en la ciènciaDia Mundial de l’ELADia Mundial de l’Esclerosi Múltipledia mundial ronyódiabetisdiabetisdiagnòsticdiagnòstic per la imatgediario médicodietadirecció d'infermeriaDirector General de Salut i Seguretat Alimentària de la Comissió EuropeaDivulgaciódonaciódonacionsDr. Albert IgualDr. Alejandro TomaselloDr. de Fàbregues-BoixarDr. Joan Pere BarretDr. Josep Antoni Ramos-QuirogaDr. Juanfran SerraDr. Sánchez de Toledodr. tomàs pumarolaDr. Vicenç MartínezDra. Carme AltisentDra. Paula GalvándrassanesDrassanesDrassanes-Vall d’HebrondrogodependènciaECMOecografiaELAELAembaràsembaràs d'alt riscenvellimentenvellimentepidemiologiaequipamentsesclerosi múltipleesclerosi múltipleesclerosis múltipleesofagitis eosinofílicaestudiestudi científicestudi clínic nanopartículesEUHAEva ÁlvarezexposicióFarmacologia clínicaFEDERfetgeFetge gras no alcohòlicfibrosi pulmonarfinançamentfísica i protecció radiològicaFundació la CaixaGeneralitat de Catalunyagenèticagenètica clínica i moleculargerènciaginecologiaginecologiaGinecologia Oncològica i Patologia del Tracte Genital InferiorgripgripGrup de Recerca d’Oftalmologiagrup de recerca en Pneumologiaguia de maneighemorràgiahepatitis viralshepatologiahipertensió pulmonarHUB Recerca PediàtricahumanitzacióicsIctusictusictus isquèmicictus. esclerosi múltipleIdentifiquen un nou mecanisme molecular responsable de l’envelliment del corimmunodeficiència primàriaImmunologiainfart de miocardiinfeccionsinfeccionsinfermeriainfermeriainforme SONIIAIniciativa solidàriaInnovacióinnovacióinnovació vhirinnovació vhirinsomniinsuficiència renalinsulinaintel·ligència artificialinterfase vitreoretinianaintestíintestí irritableinversionsinvestigaciójarabe contra el cáncerJeffrey Modell Foundationjubilacionsjudith mascóleucèmiallibresllistes d’esperalupusl’Acadèmia Europea d’Al·lergologia i Immunologia Clínicamal de capmal de cap crònicmalaltia de Crohnmalaltia hepàtica crònicamalaltia inflamatòria intestinalmalaltia pulmonarmalaltia pulmonar obstructivamalalties cardiovascularsmalalties digestivesmalalties hereditàriesmalalties infecciosesmalalties infecciosesmalalties inflamatòries intestinalsmalalties minoritàriesmalalties minoritàriesmalalties neurodegenerativesmalalties pulmonars intersticialsmalalties raresmalalties renalsmalalties renalsMarató TV3màstermedi ambientmedicina fetalmedicina física i rehabilitaciómedicina intensivamedicina nuclearMedicina Preventiva i Salut PúblicamelanomaMemòria 2023metàstasiMetrICSmicrobiologiamigranyamigranyamillor model de gestiómúsicanadalnanomedicinananotecnologiananotecnologiaNefrologianeuroblastoma infantilneuroblastoma infantilnoticiesicsnova Unitat de Paràlisi Facialocnologiaoncologiaoncologia pediàtricaoncologia radioteràpicaOrion Pharmapàncreesparàlisi facialParkinsonparkinsonParticipació ciutadanapatologia mamàriapediatriapere mirPERISpneumologiapremipremipremisprimera edicióprojecteprojecte RESETprojectes assistencialsprotocolprotocol violència masclistapsiquiatriapsiquiatriapublicacionsrealitat virtualrecercarecerca biomèdicareconeixementsrellotgesresolucióreunionsRosesSalut Globalsalut mentalsalut mentalSant JordisarcomaSECOsèpsiaServei d'OftalmologiaServei de Cirurgia CardíacaServei de Medicina IntensivaServei de Medicina Preventiva i EpidemiologiaServei de PneumologiaSetmana Mundial de les Immunodeficiències Primàriessimulaciósíndrome de l’intestí irritablesíndrome de l’intestí irritablesistema immunològicsistema robòtic Da Vinci©Sociedad Española de Enfermería NeurológicaSocietat Catalana de NeurologiaSOCMICsolidarisomni de colorsSr.Gonzalo RodésSra. Sonia Cortés i GarciaSueñontallersTDAHTDAHTDHtelevisorsTesisTesis (M, delete?)Tomografia per Coherència Òpticatractamenttransfusió de sangTransplantament de pulmótransplantamentstransplantaments de ronyótrasplantamentTrasplantament adulttrasplantament cardíactrasplantament d'òrgans i teixitstrasplantament de fetgetrasplantament de ronyótrasplantament de ronyótrasplantament hepàtictrasplantament pediàtrictrasplantament pulmonartrasplantamentstrastorn del neurodesenvolupamenttrastorn gastrointestinaltrombectomia mecànicaTuberculosi Vall d'Hebron-DrassanesUATUATUCI pediàtricaUnitat de Cures IntensivesUnitat de Trastorns del Moviment del Servei de NeurologiaUnitat Docent d’Al·lergologiaUnitat d’IctusUnitat d’Ictus Vall d’Hebronurgènciesurgències pediàtriquesvacuna covidVacunesVall d’Hebron Institut de RecercavallwoodVerola del micovhiovhirvhirVIHVIII Jornada Catalana d'Infermeria Neurològica de la SEDENEvisitaXavier PratsXX Congrés Nacional d’Hospitals i Gestió SanitàriaXXXII Jornada de Teràpia del Comportament i Medicina Conductual en la Pràctica Clínica. Sort by Data pública (ordre) Order AscDesc Alphabetic A-Z Alphabetic Z-A The effectiveness of an oral drug for multiple sclerosis is demonstrated for the first time in humans The study, published today in The New England Journal of Medicine, involved researchers from Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. 14/09/2006 Anti-inflammatory effects of probiotics in Crohn's disease demonstrated The Vall d'Hebron University Hospital Research Institute demonstrates how there is a significant decrease in the secretion of inflammatory signals of the intestinal mucosa in Crohn's disease thanks to the presence of Lactobacillus casei. 17/11/2008 One of the reasons for neuronal death in Parkinson's disease identified VHIR researchers have discovered how abnormal protein clusters in nerve cells are associated with neuronal death in Parkinson's disease and propose a new experimental therapeutic strategy. 20/10/2009 New marker of response to colon cancer treatment discovered Levels of a protein called aprataxin are related to patient response to irinotecan, a drug used in the chemotherapy of patients with colon cancer. 26/04/2010 The Minister of Science and Innovation awarded the IR-HUVH with the accreditation as a Health Research Institute Cristina Garmendia highlighted the importance of the transfer from the Instituto Carlos III to her department to increase the multidisciplinary nature of medical R&D. 23/06/2010 A study confirms the association of a gene with the persistence of TDAH in adults Between 60 and 70% of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) continue to suffer from the disorder when they become adults. 24/11/2010 Gut Bacteria Divide People Into 3 Types This global classification allows researchers to define, in their search, the number of variables that may be implicated in disease, moving closer correlation between the state of the intestinal flora and the health of the individual. 18/04/2011 HUVH achieves a 75% reduction in premature births in at-risk pregnant women with the use of a simple pessary The pessary is a simple silicone ring, inexpensive (38 euros), non-invasive and easy to insert and remove. It is inserted vaginally around the cervix without surgical intervention. 95% of women who have carried it would recommend it to other pregnant women at risk. 02/04/2012 Identified for the first time four genes that predispose to suffer migraine without aura This work has identifyed four genes related to the predisposition to present the most frequent type of migraine: MEF2D, TGFBR2, PHACTR1 and ASTN2. 08/06/2012 VHIR’s study determines multiple applications for a novel stroke biomarker Phospholipase is a marker with enormous potential: risk of stroke, risk of recurrence, response to treatment and prognosis. Until now, there has been no such complete biomarker. 26/06/2012 Vall d’Hebron researchers discover the causes of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis The study determines that the exposure of occult avian antigens from feather bedding is one of the main causes 18/10/2013 VHIR becomes a university research institute affiliated to UAB With the new status the Institute will launch the Master Degree in Translational Biomedical Research 17/12/2013 Identified a biomarker that predicts survival in patients with the most frequent renal cancer The finding opens the door to the development of a program to determine the severity and focus the treatment 12/02/2014 VHIR researchers develop a methodology that will help doctors choosing the most efficient treatment for hepatitis C The two commercial available genotyping methods can only identify a few subtypes of the disease 16/02/2015 Vall d’Hebron’ study detects high prevalence of schistosomiasis in an Angolan region The research, carried out by members from the PROSICS and VHIR, has revealed that 61% of school-age children in Cubal carry the eggs of the worm that causes this disease. 14/12/2015 Eight Crohn's disease biomarkers discovered that could avoid invasive diagnostic testing A study led by the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) concludes that Crohn's disease could be diagnosed by determination of 8 microbial biomarkers. More than 2,000 stool samples of European patients with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, anorexia and healthy people have been analysed to identify biomarkers and validate of method. 08/02/2017 Vall d'Hebron leads the first clinical trial in Spain to treat acute spinal cord injuries with mesenchymal stem cells The study has begun with the recruitment of the first five patients of the fifty who will be part of the study 22/05/2018 Migraine and ADHD share a common genetic basis The study, published in Science and in which Vall d'Hebron has participated, has deepened in the common genetic bases of 25 brain diseases. 21/06/2018 Vall d’Hebron and ”la Caixa” present a pioneering space to study the brain of patients with migraine: the Migraine Adaptive Brain Center A pioneering space to study the brain of patients with migration that will attend more than 8,000 people a year and that also aims to empower patients to become their own prescribers. 03/10/2019 Vall d'Hebron obtains more than €1 million in profit from the use of a patent licence The biggest profit generated by a State Research Institute for a patent and it will be entirely reinvested in the VHIR's research. 20/02/2020 Vall d'Hebron researchers have sequenced the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome of two patients In record time and with our own resources, we have been able to develop the massive sequencing methodology to obtain the complete genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and from now on be able to do it in more patients. 31/03/2020 Vall d’Hebron and IDIAP Jordi Gol join forces to research cardiovascular diseases and diabetes Today, 30 November, the main research lines in which both institutions will be working together are revealed. 30/11/2021 Vall d'Hebron studies epigenetic reprogramming to prevent childhood cancer metastasis The technique developed at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) uses a "switch" to block the reproduction of neuroblastoma cells 03/10/2022 Més de 500 persones obren les celebracions del 30 aniversari del VHIR Més de 500 persones animades per veïns i veïnes del barri han participat en la cursa ha estat el primer dels esdeveniments que s’han organitzat per celebrar els 30 anys del Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca 02/06/2024