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A parallel-group treatment, proof-of-concept Phase 2, multicenter, double blind, randomized two arm clinical trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous NT 201 injections compared with placebo injections in decreasing pain intensity in male and female participants aged 18 years and older with moderate to severe chronic peripheral neuropathic pain due to postherpetic neuralgia or peripheral nerve injury.

  • Protocol code: M602011079
  • EudraCT code: No aplica
  • Research group: Clinical Pharmacology
  • Service: Anesthesia
  • Principal investigator:  Medel Rebollo, Francisco Javier
  • Pathology: Símptomes, signes i troballes anormals clíniques i de laboratori, no classificades enlloc més
  • Phase: Fase II
  • Status: Recruiting volunteers