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Talks of 30 Years of VHIR: We Have a Lot to Say!

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), we have organized a series of talks to delve deeper into various aspects of research, how it interacts with patients, and how we can be a part of it. The titles of the talks are:

  • Patient involvement in research. More information.
  • Impact of research on society: environment and global health. More information.
  • Basic and clinical research benefiting patients: liver diseases. More information.
  • Solidarity in research. More information.
  • Basic and clinical research benefiting patients: stroke. More information.
  • The architectural transformation of VHIR and its surroundings. Coming soon.
September 26th at 5 pm

Patient involvement in research

Library (General Hospital, 11th floor)
In-person / Online


Pere Soler Palacín

Head of the Pediatric Infection and Immunity Research Group at VHIR

Anna Meseguer Navarro

Head of the Renal Pathophysiology Research Group at VHIR

Eva Giménez

President of the Dent Disease Association (ASDENT)

Carlota Villar

President of the Barcelona PID Foundation
October 9th at 4 pm

Impact of research on society: environment and global health

Library (General Hospital, 11th floor)
In-person / Online


Dra. Maria Jesús Cruz

Head of the Respiratory Medicine Research Group at VHIR

Mònica Usart

Bachelor in Physics and Master in Meteorology. Weather Presenter at Rac1
October 15th at 4 pm

Basic and clinical research benefiting patients: liver diseases

Library (General Hospital, 11th floor)
In-person / Online


Dra. Maria Buti

Principal Investigator of the Hepatic Diseases Research Group at VHIR

Dr. Josep Quer

Principal Investigator of the Hepatic Diseases Research Group at VHIR

Judit Vico

Clinical research nurse


To be confirmed
November 6th at 4 pm

Solidarity in Research

Library (General Hospital, 11th floor)
In-person / Online


Judit Mascó

Model, television presenter, and president of the Ared Foundation

Anna Bosch

President of the Albert Bosch Foundation

Josep Roma

Principal Investigator of the Pediatric Cancer and Hematological Diseases Group at VHIR
November 27th at 4 pm

Basic and Clinical Research for Patient Benefit: Stroke

Library (General Hospital, 11th floor)
In-person / Online


Dr. Jorge Pagola

Principal Investigator of the Stroke Research Group at VHIR

Dra. Anna Rosell

Head of the Neurovascular Diseases Group at VHIR

Estela Sanjuan

Clinical Research Nurse


Pending confirmation

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