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Support Unit for Clinical Research (USIC)

The Support Unit for Clinical Research (USIC) is located on the 13th floor of the Women's Hospital belonging to the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and is the Unit in charge of providing care support to the development of clinical research within the Vall d'Hebron Campus, both for clinical trials and other research projects, making medical offices, nursing support and a sample processing laboratory available to users.

For this activity, it has 7 fully equipped consulting rooms for the follow-up and examination of patients included in clinical studies. It also has a room for the extraction or infusion of medication, a laboratory for the treatment and conservation of human biological samples, an archive for the documentation of the studies, as well as spaces for meetings, monitoring and/or audits.

To carry out healthcare activities, there are computers with access to the Vall d'Hebron Hospital network in the consultations, extraction room and reception. The consultation rooms have examination beds, a sphygmomanometer and a scale with a height rod. The extraction room is equipped with the facilities, material and personnel necessary to carry out blood extractions, as well as sphygmomanometers, a scale with a stadiometer and an electrocardiograph. The USIC also has a laboratory with the necessary facilities for the basic management and conservation of human biological samples on a temporary basis.

If you are interested in using these spaces to carry out a clinical trial or other clinical research project, please fill in the information on the Services Request form for USIC-Assistance Area.

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La Fundació Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron – Institut de Recerca (VHIR) tractarà les seves dades personals per a la gestió de la seva consulta. Per a més informació sobre el tractament de les seves dades, consulti la Política de Privacitat del VHIR. Pot exercir els drets d’accés, rectificació, supressió, limitació, oposició i portabilitat mitjançant una comunicació al Delegat de Protecció de Dades ( o a la Unitat Legal del VHIR (
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