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Alejandro Lluch Bergadá

I've been an Orthopaedic & Trauma surgeon for the last 20 years. From the very beginning I became passionated in the treatment of pathologies affecting the hand. Nowadays I'm charge for the Hand, Wrist & Peripheral nerve Unit, part of the Orthopaedic Surgery & Trauma Department.

Institutions of which they are part

Reconstructive Surgery of the Locomotor System
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital
Alejandro Lluch Bergadá

Alejandro Lluch Bergadá

Alejandro Lluch Bergadá

Institutions of which they are part

Reconstructive Surgery of the Locomotor System
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Traumatology, Rehabilitation and Burns Hospital

I've been an Orthopaedic & Trauma surgeon for the last 20 years. From the very beginning I became passionated in the treatment of pathologies affecting the hand. Nowadays I'm charge for the Hand, Wrist & Peripheral nerve Unit, part of the Orthopaedic Surgery & Trauma Department.

I joined the Orthopaedic & Trauma Department as a staff member in 2000. As soon as the Upper Extremity Unit was created I became part of it, being the responsible for the Hand, Wrist & periferal nerve Unit since 2017.Scientific and teaching activity:I've been associated professor in Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for 9 years. I'm currently faculty member of the Fellowship in Hand Surgery in Universitat de Barcelona, training supervisor for the Spanish Hand Society (SECMA) and examiner for the European Board in Trauma & Orthopaedics (EBOT). I've written or collaborated in more than 65 published papers and 15 chapters in books related to my speciality . I've presented or paticipated in more than one hundred free papers in national and international meetings, and I've been an invited lecturer more than 500 times to talk about my speciality around the world. Training:I finished Medical School in 1994. I did my residence in Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon in Vall d'Hebron Hospital, and became specialist in 1999. I started my training in Hand & Wrist Surgery very soon, and I've visited many recognized national and international centers during the last 15 years in which I've been just dedicated to my speciality. Nowadays I'm still learning and sharing knowledge and expertise with all our colleagues around the planet.

Research lines

Pathology of the hand

Research on wrist and hand pathology with special attention to joint biomechanics.

IP: Alejandro Lluch Bergadá


Predicción de tasa de éxito quirúrgico en cirugía de Síndrome de Túnel del carpo a partir de los recursos clínicos mediante la inteligencia artificial.

IP: -
Collaborators: Alejandro Lluch Bergadá, Jordi Pedemonte Jansana, Nuria Vidal Tarrasón, Irene Gallardo Calero, Ignacio Esteban Feliu
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 75020
Reference: PI19/01813
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 30/06/2024

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