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Alicia Fresno González

Institutions of which they are part

Administration and Management
Cardiovascular Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Alicia Fresno González

Institutions of which they are part

Administration and Management
Cardiovascular Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca


Aneurismas degenerativos de la aorta ascendente: ¿están relacionados los fenotipos de dilatación con su etiología, patofisiología y pronóstico?

IP: Jose Fernando Rodríguez Palomares
Collaborators: Guillem Casas Masnou, Ruperto Olivero Soldevila, Alicia Fresno González, Javier Limeres Freire, Lydia Dux-Santoy Hurtado, Laura Fruitós Montané, Raul Aguilar Lopez, Miguel García Gabilondo
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 200000
Reference: PI23/01397
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026

DataTools4Heart: A European Health Data Toolbox for Enhancing Cardiology Data Interoperability, Reusability and Privacy

IP: Jose Fernando Rodríguez Palomares
Collaborators: Alicia Fresno González, Ignacio Ferreira González, Gisela Teixido Tura, Juan Garrido Oliver, Aroa Ruiz Muñoz, Lydia Dux-Santoy Hurtado, Andrea Guala, Andrea Guala, Andrea Guala, Andrea Guala, Andrea Guala, Andrea Guala, Andrea Guala
Funding: 322500
Duration: 01/10/2022 - 30/09/2026

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The study, which involved Vall d'Hebron, developed an action plan to efficiently allocate resources to patients most at risk of suffering this complication.

In light of this evidence, hospitals such as Vall d'Hebron have already started to include warnings about environmental pollution in their hospital discharge plans after a myocardial infarction.

Vall d'Hebron researchers have created a score based on multiple clinical variables and cardiac images, specific to women, to identify patients at risk of severe complications such as a heart attack or sudden death.

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