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Ana Barreira Diaz

Institutions of which they are part

Liver Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Ana Barreira Diaz

Institutions of which they are part

Liver Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca


Impact of HLA haplotypes and HDV viremia in developing of clinical events and quality of life of patients with chronic hepatitis delta.

IP: Maria Buti Ferret
Collaborators: Maria Jose Herrero Mata, Ana Barreira Diaz, Maria del Mar Riveiro Barciela, Jordi Llaneras Artigues, Adriana Palom Agusti
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 117370
Reference: PI20/01692
Duration: 01/01/2021 - 30/06/2025

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