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Andres Francisco Pacheco Reyes

Institutions of which they are part

Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Andres Francisco Pacheco Reyes

Institutions of which they are part

Shock, Organ Dysfunction and Resuscitation
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Research lines

Acute respiratory failure

The line of research in acute respiratory failure has special interest in the study of the involvement of the interleukin 33 and its ST2 receptor in acute lung injury and its role as a possible therapeutic target. A model of acute lung injury in mice has been designed to show the prognostic efficacy of interleukin 33 and ST-2 plasma levels. Currently, SODIR is evaluating the possibility that treatment with anti-IL-33 antibodies may decrease the degree of inflammation in a murine experimental model of acute lung injury.

Another issue of special interest is the use of high flow nasal cannula supportive therapy. In this sense, SODIR has participated in a multicentric study, recently published in JAMA, analyzing the effect of high flow nasal cannula on postextubation respiratory failure.

Finally, SODIR is also involved in several multicentric international trials about the use of esophageal pressure to guide mechanical ventilation settings in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

IP: Andres Francisco Pacheco Reyes, Juan Carlos Ruiz Rodriguez


Diseño de estación de trabajo para soporte a la toma de decisiones en el paciente crítico con ventilación mecánica invasiva (WS-VENT).

IP: -
Collaborators: Ricard Ferrer Roca, Andres Francisco Pacheco Reyes, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Ricard Ferrer Roca, Andres Francisco Pacheco Reyes
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 42205
Reference: CPP2021-008340
Duration: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2025

Ministerio de Ciencia

Shock, Disfunció Orgànica i Ressucitació

IP: Ricard Ferrer Roca
Collaborators: César Laborda Soriano, Alejandra García Roche, Candido Diaz Lagares, Rosa Maria Gracia Gozalo, Rosa Alcaraz Peñarrocha, Juan Carlos Ruiz Rodriguez, Xavier Nuvials Casals, Judith Sacanell Lacasa, Marcos Pérez Carrasco, José Alonso Fajardo, Adolfo Ruiz Sanmartin, Óscar Mula Castellón, Anna Sánchez Corral, Elisabeth Papiol Gallofré, Luis silvestre Chiscano Camon, Eduard Argudo Serra, Maria Martinez Martinez, Jordi Riera del Brío, Raquel Albertos Martell, Noemí Varga , Sofia Contreras Medina, Andres Francisco Pacheco Reyes, Manuel Roberto Sosa Garay, Camilo andres Bonilla Rojas, Manuel Roberto Sosa Garay
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 0.01
Reference: 2021 SGR 00798
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

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