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Català Santarrufina, Alba

Institutions of which they are part

Research technician
Cardiovascular Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Català Santarrufina, Alba

Institutions of which they are part

Research technician
Cardiovascular Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca


Red Federada Para Acelerar La Aplicación De La Inteligencia Artificial En El Sistema Sanitario Español (TARTAGLIA) WP7

IP: Jose Fernando Rodríguez Palomares
Collaborators: Lydia Dux-Santoy Hurtado, Giorgio Colangelo, Andrea Guala, Javier Solsona Caravaca, Mireia Bragulat Arevalo, Alba Català Santarrufina, Santiago Martin Grieve
Funding agency: Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transf Digital
Funding: 268649.45
Reference: MIA.2021.M02.0005_R.PALOMARES
Duration: 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2024

Logotip NGEU

ADAIR: New Approuch again Atherosclerosis

IP: Andrea Guala
Collaborators: Jose Fernando Rodríguez Palomares, Juan Garrido Oliver, Alba Català Santarrufina, Marta Ferrer Cornet
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 190725
Reference: PLEC2021-007664
Duration: 01/09/2021 - 30/09/2025

Ministerio de Ciencia

Related news

Vall d'Hebron researchers have created a score based on multiple clinical variables and cardiac images, specific to women, to identify patients at risk of severe complications such as a heart attack or sudden death.

The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals.

The study on the effects of diesel particles on the heart has been recognized as the best research work from Spain at the association’s Scientific Sessions.

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