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Elena Granell Pallares

Institutions of which they are part

Administration and Management
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Elena Granell Pallares

Institutions of which they are part

Administration and Management
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca



IP: Sara Marsal Barril
Collaborators: Antonio Julia Cano, Javier Hoyo Pérez, Elena Granell Pallares, Adria Aterido Ballonga, Montse Sender Beleta
Funding: 1079085
Reference: DOCTIS_H2020_SC1-BHC2019
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2025

PROYECTO IMID-Ab: Personalización del tratamiento anti-TNF en Artritis Reumatoide en base a la inmunogeneicidad

IP: Sara Marsal Barril
Collaborators: Antonio Julia Cano, Raul Tortosa Mendez, Elena Granell Pallares
Funding agency: Ministerio Economía, Industria y Competitividad
Funding: 129203
Reference: RTC-2014-2920-1
Duration: 03/02/2014 - 02/02/2017

Proyecto IMID-Inc, "Biobanco IMIDs diferencial permite identificar biomarcadores y nuevas terapias"

IP: Sara Marsal Barril
Collaborators: Nuria Palau Balaña, Antonio Julia Cano, Raul Tortosa Mendez, Elena Granell Pallares, Maria America Lopez Lasanta
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 2058749
Reference: IPT-010000-2010-36
Duration: 17/11/2010 - 31/08/2013

Ministerio de Ciencia

Desarrollo de un kit diagnóstico para las enfermedades inflamatorias mediadas por mecanismos inmunes (IMID-Kit). Projecte: PSE-010000-2008-9 Subprojectes: PSE 010000-2008-036 i PSE 010000-2008-039 importe concedido 4.002.822 €

IP: Sara Marsal Barril
Collaborators: Antonio Julia Cano, Raul Tortosa Mendez, Elena Granell Pallares
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 2854937.08
Reference: PSE-010000-2009-001
Duration: 23/07/2009 - 31/03/2011

Ministerio de Ciencia

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The head of the Rheumatology Service at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital and of the Rheumatology research group at VHIR is a highly accomplished rheumatologist with a distinguished career in the field.

It is the first international multi-centre clinical trial to analyse the safety and effect of this treatment for an autoimmune disease.

Els estudis avançaran en els camps de les malalties digestives, el VIH, la fatiga crònica, les patologies cardíaques, l’hepatitis, la diabetis i l’oftalmologia.

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