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Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Nephrology and kidney transplantation
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Nephrology and kidney transplantation
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Research lines

Desenvolupament de noves mol.lècules inmunomoduladores que prevenen l'activació de l'al·loresposta o autoreactivitat així com altres estratègies que promouen respostes protectores anti-virals

IP: Oriol Bestard Matamoros, Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno


Immunological reset to overcome alloimmune memory in Highly sensitized patients

IP: Oriol Bestard Matamoros
Collaborators: Ana Pérez González, Francesc Bosch Albareda, Francesc Moreso Mateos, Enric Trilla Herrera, Joana Sellarés Roig, Irina Betsabe Torres Rodriguez, Enric Miret Alomar, Manel Perelló Carrascosa, Nestor Gabriel Toapanta Gaibor, Maria Antonia Emilia Meneghini, Delphine Kervella, Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno
Funding agency: Fundación Invest. Médica Mutua Madrileña
Funding: 109725
Duration: 15/09/2023 - 14/09/2025

Disección y promoción de inmunidad adaptativa específica frente al poliomavirus (BKV) para prevenir la infección viral tras el trasplante renal (proyecto BK-VAX).

IP: Oriol Bestard Matamoros
Collaborators: Juliana Esperalba Esquerra, Joana Sellarés Roig, Emma Pardo De los Santos, Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno, Laura Donadeu Casassas, Narcís Saubí Roca
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 174240
Reference: PI22/01019
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Evaluación de la respuesta celular B autoreactiva ANCA-específica como nuevo biomarcador de actividad en la vasculitis asociadas a ANCA

IP: Oriol Bestard Matamoros
Collaborators: Marina Lopez Martinez, Irene Agraz Pamplona, Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno, Laura Donadeu Casassas, Maria Antonia Emilia Meneghini
Funding agency: Sociedad Española de Nefrología (S.E.N.)
Funding: 24000
Duration: 03/12/2022 - 02/12/2025

Hacia un manejo clínico personalizado de pacientes oncológicos con fracaso renal agudo asociado a los immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs)

IP: Maria Jose Soler Romeo
Collaborators: Oriol Bestard Matamoros, Sheila Bermejo Garcia, Concepció Jacobs Cachá, Elena Isabel Crespo Gimeno
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 246840
Reference: AC22/00029
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Related news

The Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya grants subsidies for carrying out validation tests on innovative projects in the field of health that are in the early stages of development.

A study from the Vall d’Hebron Campus demonstrates that the Ex Vivo C5b-9 deposition test is useful for monitoring the activity of the complement system (CS) in patients with aHUS or transplant-associated TMA.

An international study involving the Hospital del Mar Research Institute and VHIR shows that there are substantial differences between men and women in the energy metabolism of of renal tubular cells.

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