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Enric Bellido Castillo

I am a Psychologist specialized in Clinical Neuropsychology. Since 2021, I have been part of the Epilepsy Unit (Neurology Department), where my work as a neuropsychologist focuses on assessing and monitoring the neuropsychological status of patients diagnosed with various epileptic syndromes, as well as guiding them to improve their emotional and cognitive health. Currently, I combine this clinical role with participation in multidisciplinary research projects centred on neurocognition and affective disorders and their relationship with other demographic and clinical variables.

Institutions of which they are part

Research technician
Research Group on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
General Hospital

Enric Bellido Castillo

Institutions of which they are part

Research technician
Research Group on Status Epilepticus and Acute Seizures
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
General Hospital

I am a Psychologist specialized in Clinical Neuropsychology. Since 2021, I have been part of the Epilepsy Unit (Neurology Department), where my work as a neuropsychologist focuses on assessing and monitoring the neuropsychological status of patients diagnosed with various epileptic syndromes, as well as guiding them to improve their emotional and cognitive health. Currently, I combine this clinical role with participation in multidisciplinary research projects centred on neurocognition and affective disorders and their relationship with other demographic and clinical variables.

- Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a Specialization in Health Psychology. University of Barcelona, 2015–2019.
- Master's degree in Paediatric Neuropsychology. Sant Joan de Déu Hospital of Barcelona, 2019–2021.
- Course on evaluation and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Sant Joan de Déu Hospital of Barcelona, 2021.
- Master's degree in General Health Psychology. University of Barcelona, 2022–2023.

Scientific activity:
- Member of the Spanish Society of Epilepsy (SEEP) since 2021.
- Speaker of oral presentations at national and international scientific congresses and meetings.
- Lead author and collaborator on various scientific publications.


Grup de Recerca de l'estat epilèptic i crisis agudes

IP: Estevo Santamarina Pérez
Collaborators: Javier Sánchez López, Manuel Toledo Argany, LAURA ABRAIRA DEL FRESNO, Elena Fonseca Hernandez, Enric Bellido Castillo, Daniel Campos Fernández, Manuel Quintana Luque
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 0.01
Reference: 2021 SGR 00047
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

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