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Joan Morote Robles

Soc Coordinador de la Unitat Docent en Urologia de l'Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron i Cap del Grup de recerca en Urologia del Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca. 

Institutions of which they are part

Head of group
Biomedical Research in Urology
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
General Hospital
Joan Morote Robles

Joan Morote Robles

Joan Morote Robles

Institutions of which they are part

Head of group
Biomedical Research in Urology
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
General Hospital

Soc Coordinador de la Unitat Docent en Urologia de l'Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron i Cap del Grup de recerca en Urologia del Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca. 

Em vaig formar com a uròleg entre el 1979 i 1981 a l'Hospital Vall d'Hebron, on he desenvolupat tota la meva carrera professional com Adjunt, Cap de Secció, Cap de Servei i ara, com a Consultor Docent Sènior i Catedràtic d'Urologia. La meva àrea d'especial dedicació ha estat el càncer de pròstata, havent-hi ates a més de 6.000 pacients. 
Actualment, soc Coordinador de la Unitat Docent Vall d'Hebron i cap del grup de recerca en urologia del VHIR on estic desenvolupant un projecte de recerca sobre radiogènica e intel·ligència artificial per a la detecció precoç del càncer de pròstata.

Research lines

Early diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer (Clinical research)

This research line evaluates better strategies able to improve the process of Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer, detecting significant tumors and avoiding unnecessary biopsies. In addition, this line also studies the outcomes of the Active Surveillance Program and the Robotic Program.

IP: Joan Morote Robles, Ana Celma Domènech

Development of non-invasive methods for the early detection of prostate cancer (Translational research in prostate cancer)

One main focus of our research is the discovery of new biomarkers for the early detection of prostate cancer (PC). The detection of proteins, RNA or miRNAs from easily accessible body fluids, such as blood or urine, will make possible to diagnose the disease at an early/pre-symptomatic stage, or monitoring responses to therapy in a simple and non-invasive way.  This will improve the specificity of the currently used PSA serum measurements.

We have identified a three-gene panel in urine able to increase the PSA specificity for the detection of PC, and using liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and triple quadruple mass spectrometry (LC/MSMS, SRM), we have discovered the presence of specific, differential proteomic profiles in the urine of PC patients.

Furthermore, we have identified a genomic profile able to detect PC in patients previously diagnosed with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN). Such profile should have an application in the clinics and improve decision making in the diagnosis and treatment of PC (Figure).

1) Sequeiros T, et al. Prostate 2015; Accepted;

2) Rigau M*, Olivan M*, et al. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2013;14: 12620-12649;

3) Rigau M, et al. Prostate 2011; 71:1736-45;

4) Rigau M et al. Prostate 2010; 70:1760-7

IP: Joan Morote Robles

miRNAs and metastasic prostate cancer (Translational research in prostate cancer)

It is still difficult by current risk stratification strategies, to distinguish patients with rapidly progressing PC, requiring aggressive treatment, from those with an indolent tumour that will not progress. One aim of our group is to identify miRNA signatures that closely correlate with clinical outcome of PC and characterize the role in cancer progression of the most relevant miRNAs associated to the metastatic profile in order to identify new potential therapeutic targets for aggressive PC.

Sequeiros T*, Garcia M*, et al. BioMed Research Int?2013; doi:10.1155/2013/283635

IP: Joan Morote Robles

Bone metastases in prostate cancer (Translational research in prostate cancer)

Once the tumor metastasizes to bone, the metastatic disease become incurable and current therapies are palliative. Thus, to better understand the biology of PC bone metastasis and to investigate new therapeutic options it is crucial to develop new animal models.

We have established new experimental models of PC bone metastasis by inoculation (intratibial and intracardiac) of human PC cell lines in immunodeficient mice to make a suitable model for evaluating novel compounds as future therapeutic approaches. Extensive bone metastases were monitored by in vivo bioluminescence imaging. By applying different strategies we have described new molecular targets involved in the mechanisms of PC bone metastasis.

1) Garcia M, et al. BJU Int. 2014;113:E164-77.

2) Doll A, et al. Arch Esp Urol. 2013;66:463-74.

IP: Joan Morote Robles


Rercerca biomèdica en urologia

IP: Joan Morote Robles
Collaborators: Fernando Lozano Palacio, Inés de Torres Ramirez, Enric Trilla Herrera, Olga Méndez Fernández, Ana Celma Domènech, Mercè Cuadras Solé, Carlos Serrano Burgos, Albert Carrión Puig , Enric Miret Alomar, Maria Eugenia Semidey Raven, Carles Xavier Raventós Busquets, David Ruiz Casajuana, Jacques Planas Morin, Richard Mast, Anna Santamaria Margalef
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 0.01
Reference: 2021 SGR 00858
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Red Federada Para Acelerar La Aplicación De La Inteligencia Artificial En El Sistema Sanitario Español (TARTAGLIA)

IP: Anna Santamaria Margalef
Collaborators: Joan Morote Robles, Olga Méndez Fernández, Giorgio Colangelo, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández, Olga Méndez Fernández
Funding agency: Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transf Digital
Funding: 703098.75
Reference: MIA.2021.M02.0005_SANTAMARIA
Duration: 01/10/2021 - 31/12/2024

Logotip del Ministeri d'Assumptes Econòmics i Transformació Digital

Radiogenomics for the prediction of prostate cancer aggressiveness through artificial intelligence.

IP: Joan Morote Robles
Collaborators: Inés de Torres Ramirez, Ana Celma Domènech, Jacques Planas Morin, Richard Mast, Lucas Regis Plácido
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 159720
Reference: PI20/01666
Duration: 01/01/2021 - 30/06/2025

Noves estratègies terapèutiques pel tractament del càncer de pròstata hormonorefrectari

IP: Joan Morote Robles
Collaborators: Miriam Izquierdo Sans
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 67180.15
Reference: 2020FI_B 00058
Duration: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2023

Related news

On World Cancer Research Day, we highlight research aimed at improving treatments for both pediatric and adult cancers through innovative techniques.

The work led by Dr. Regis demonstrates that performing robotic reconstruction after radical prostatectomy is associated with better urinary control.

A clinical trial with the prototype of the device shows that the use of this technology improves patient monitoring by nurses and reduces post-surgical complications.

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