Jose Miguel Lizcano De Vega I am Professor (Full) of Biochemistry at UAB University. Since 2021, I lead the Laboratory of Protein Kinases and Cancer at VHIR. Our group investigates new cell signaling pathways that control the proliferation and survival of cancer cells. We collaborate with biopharmaceutical companies for the preclinical development of new anticancer drugs. We are interested in the role of the new MAP kinase ERK5 in cancer proliferation, and in modulation of autophagy and of stress of endoplasmic reticulum as new strategies to improve chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments. Institutions of which they are part Head of group Protein kinases in cancer research Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Jose Miguel Lizcano De Vega LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Institutions of which they are part Head of group Protein kinases in cancer research Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca I am Professor (Full) of Biochemistry at UAB University. Since 2021, I lead the Laboratory of Protein Kinases and Cancer at VHIR. Our group investigates new cell signaling pathways that control the proliferation and survival of cancer cells. We collaborate with biopharmaceutical companies for the preclinical development of new anticancer drugs. We are interested in the role of the new MAP kinase ERK5 in cancer proliferation, and in modulation of autophagy and of stress of endoplasmic reticulum as new strategies to improve chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments.
I graduated in Biochemistry at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). After obtaining a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Neurochemistry) at the UAB, I made a first postdoctoral stay at the Department of Biochemistry at Trinity College Dublin (1995-96), working on Molecular Pharmacology. In 1998, I joined the MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit (Dundee, UK), where I specialized in the study of protein kinases and cellular signaling, and in their alteration in diseases such as diabetes and cancer. In 2004, I joined the Institute of Neurosciences UAB as a Ramón y Cajal researcher. Since 2005, I am Associate Professor at the UAB Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Medicine. I founded the Cell Signaling group, which studies the role of protein kinases in degenerative processes such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Since 2010, my interest has focused on the study of cell signaling alterations in cancer, and on the preclinical development of new antitumor drugs. I have been vice-director of the Department of Biochemistry and director of the Biochemistry Unit of the Faculty of Medicine of the UAB. In 2021 I joined the VHIR Institute, to lead the Laboratory of Protein Kinases and Cancer, which I combine with my teaching activity on the UAB campus. The ultimate goal of my research is to understand the biochemical basis of the tumor cell, in order to develop new molecular therapies that improve the survival and quality of life of cancer patients.
Projects Grup de Recerca Emergent (GRE) Childood Cancer & Blood disorders IP: Lucas Moreno Martín-Retortillo Collaborators: Luís Gros Subias, Raquel Andreu Vilarroig, Andrea Vilaplana Blanes, Pablo Velasco Puyó, Laura Murillo Sanjuán, Maria Isabel Benitez Carabante, Aroa Soriano Fernández, Guillem Pons Barcons, Jose Miguel Lizcano De Vega, Maria Cristina Díaz de Heredia Rubio, Maria Luz Uría Oficialdegui, Maria Jose Pérez García, Miguel Segura Ginard, M Mar Mañu Pereira, Lorena Valero Arrese, Thaïs Murciano Carrillo, Constantino Sábado Álvarez, Anna Llort Sales, Grup de Recerca Emergent (GRE) Childood Cancer & Blood disorders, Raquel Hladun Alvaro, Carlota Aguilera Ordoñez, Adria Molero Valenzuela, Júlia Sansa Girona, Gabriela Guillén Burrieza, Laura Alonso Garcia, Victoria Gutierrez Valle, Idoia Bolinaga Ayala, Josep Roma Castanyer, Sergio Espinosa Gil, Elena Andretta, Grup de Recerca Emergent (GRE) Childood Cancer & Blood disorders, Amira Idrizovic Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Funding: 60000 Reference: 2021 SGR 00638 Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025 Nuevas terapias anticancer basadas en la modulación de la MAP KINASA ERK5. IP: Jose Miguel Lizcano De Vega Collaborators: - Funding agency: Ministerio Economía, Industria y Competitividad Funding: 0.01 Reference: RTC-2017-6261-1_LIZCANO Duration: 01/10/2018 - 31/10/2021 Nuevas terapias anticancer basadas en la modulación de la MAP KINASA ERK5. IP: Jose Miguel Lizcano De Vega Collaborators: - Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN Funding: 0.01 Reference: PID2019-107561RB-I00 Duration: 01/06/2020 - 18/10/2022