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José Pardos Gea

Sóc adjunt especialista en Medicina Interna i desenvolupo la meva tasca assistencial a l'Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron des de l'any 2003.

Institutions of which they are part

Systemic Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Internal Medicine
General Hospital

José Pardos Gea

Institutions of which they are part

Systemic Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Internal Medicine
General Hospital

Sóc adjunt especialista en Medicina Interna i desenvolupo la meva tasca assistencial a l'Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron des de l'any 2003.

Assistència Especialista en Medicina Interna amb formació residència a l'Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (1998-2003) Metge adjunt d'Urgències (MAU) durant 5 anys fins el 2007 Metge adjunt de Medicina Interna desenvolupant la meva tasca assistencial a la Unitat d'Hospitalització a Domicili durant 7 anys fins el 2014 Actualment metge adjunt de Medicina Interna-Autoimmunes Sistèmiques Docència - Intoxicacions a Urgències. Curs de Doctorat Urgències per a postgraduats. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina. Directors del curs: Dr. T. Fernández de Sevilla, Dr. A. San José Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Cursos Acadèmics 2003-2006. -Urgències reumatològiques. Curs de Doctorat Urgències per a postgraduats. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina. Directors del curs: Dr. X. Jiménez. Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Curs acadèmic 2006-2007. - II Curs d'actualització en medicina interna i malalties autoimmunes. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Medicina. Servei de Medicina Interna. Hospital Vall d'Hebron. Directors del curs: Dra. R. Solans, Dr. M. Vilardell. 2007-2008. - IV Curs d'Avenços en Malalties Infeccioses. Patologia infecciosa tractada en el HAD de l'Hospital Vall d'Hebron. Servei de Malalties Infeccioses. Hospital Vall d'Hebron. Director del curs: Dr. A. Pahissa, 2009 - Professor associat UAB Departament Medicina 2011-2012 - Màster Universitari en Recerca Biomèdica Translacional. VHIR. 2014/2015 - Màster Universitari en Recerca Biomèdica Translacional. VHIR. 2016

Research lines

Characterization of inhibitors in patients with acquired haemophilia

Spanish multicenter clinical assay in collaboration with Vall d´Hebrón Hospital Haemophilia Unit and Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. The objective is to characterize the FVIII domains that act as epitopes for autoantibodies in acquired haemophilia, and its relationship with clinical manifestations and treatment of disease.

IP: José Pardos Gea

Antibodies to types I and IV collagen in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. Correlation with valvulopathy

Antibodies to collagen have been identified in patients with infectious (endocarditis) and inflammatory (rheumatic) valvulopathies. The objective is to assess a possible role of autoantibodies against types I and IV collagen in the valvulopathy of patients with antiphospholipid syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus.

IP: José Pardos Gea

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is a under diagnosed disease due to its low prevalence and the fact that occasionally debuts as an atypical form. Thrombosis of atypical localization, moreover associated to anemia of unknown origin requires screening for HPN.

IP: José Pardos Gea


Anticuerpos antifosfolipídicos inductores de memoria inmune innata en monocitos como causa de morbilidad obstétrica en el síndrome antifosfolipídico.

IP: Francesc Miro Mur
Collaborators: Jaume Alijotas Reig, Natalia Pozuelo Ventura, José Pardos Gea, Laura Donaire Lancharro, Ariadna Anunciacion Llunell, Joana Rita Marques Soares
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 102500
Reference: PI24/01302
Duration: 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2027

Ajuts Grups de Recerca (SGR) 2022

IP: Jaume Alijotas Reig
Collaborators: Moisés Labrador Horrillo, Carmen Pilar Simeón i Aznar, Anna Sala Cunill, Roser Solans Laque, Segundo Bujan Rivas, Mar Guilarte Clavero, Vicenç Fonollosa Pla, Fernando Martínez Valle, Victòria Cardona Dahl, Francesc Miro Mur, Alfredo Guillen Del Castillo, Albert Selva O'Callaghan, José Pardos Gea, Laura Donaire Lancharro, Ariadna Anunciacion Llunell
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 0.01
Reference: 2021 SGR 00048
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Persistent thrombocytopenia predicts poor long-term survival in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: a 38-year follow-up study

IP: José Pardos Gea
Collaborators: -
Funding agency: Societat Catalanobalear Medicina Interna (SCBMI
Funding: 2000
Duration: 26/04/2022 - 26/04/2022

Persistent thrombocytopenia predicts poor long-term survival in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: a 38-year follow-up study

IP: José Pardos Gea
Collaborators: -
Funding agency: Societat Catalanobalear Medicina Interna (SCBMI
Funding: 2000
Duration: 26/04/2022 - 26/04/2022

Related news

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It will allow the promotion of research on systemic autoimmune-based diseases that especially affect women of childbearing age and, therefore, can also appear during pregnancy.

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