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Judit Prat Trunas

I am a predoctoral researcher in the Diagnostic Nanotools group. My job entails the development of rapid diagnostic assays for infectious diseases.

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Judit Prat Trunas

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

I am a predoctoral researcher in the Diagnostic Nanotools group. My job entails the development of rapid diagnostic assays for infectious diseases.

I studied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the UAB (2019) and later specialized in the field of biomedical research by doing the Biomedical Engineering Master's at the UB-UPC (2021). I started my stay at VHIR during my master's internship where I developed an electrochemical malaria diagnosis point-of-care device. In the same research group, I began working as a laboratory technician on a project on synthetic erythrocytes for influenza surveillance.

The I-PFIS grants enabled me to enroll in a doctoral program at the end of 2022, allowing me to work on developing infectious disease diagnostic devices for my doctoral thesis.


Eritròcits sintètics pel control global de les infeccions per virus influenza: escalat de la producció i validació de camp

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Andres Antón Pagarolas, Tomàs Pumarola Suñé, Maria Urpí Castany, Judit Prat Trunas, Cristina Andrés Vergés, Narcís Saubí Roca
Funding agency: Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Salut
Funding: 99946
Reference: SLT036/24/000017
Duration: 21/12/2024 - 20/12/2025

Sintrocito: eritròcits sintètics pel contgrol global de la grip

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Andres Antón Pagarolas, Maria Urpí Castany, Judit Prat Trunas, Cristina Andrés Vergés, Narcís Saubí Roca
Funding agency: Fundació Institut de Recerca HUVH
Funding: 10000
Reference: VHIR-FIT-2024-001
Duration: 13/12/2024 - 12/12/2025

Paper-based dry-storage reagent integration into point-of-care diagnostic devices for infectious diseases.

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Judit Prat Trunas, Miriam Izquierdo Sans
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 14835
Reference: MV23/00042
Duration: 08/03/2024 - 14/07/2024

CATMAL - Compact Analytical Tool for robust MALaria decentralized diagnosis and community surveillance

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Francesc Zarzuela Serrat, Israel Molina Romero, Maria Urpí Castany, Adrián Sánchez Montalvá, Elena Sulleiro Igual, Judit Prat Trunas, Ines Mercedes Oliveira Souto, Briza Pérez López
Funding agency: Fundació "La Caixa"
Funding: 392205
Reference: HR23-00679
Duration: 01/12/2023 - 30/11/2026

Related news

The Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya grants subsidies for carrying out validation tests on innovative projects in the field of health that are in the early stages of development.

The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals.

The head of the Diagnostic Nanotools (DINA) group was part of a Spanish delegation that also participated in activities to establish contracts between national and international centers.

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