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Laura Fruitós Montané

I'm a graduate of psychology (UOC), working as a laboratory technique (FPI) in research support.

Institutions of which they are part

Research technician
Cardiovascular Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Laura Fruitós Montané

Institutions of which they are part

Research technician
Cardiovascular Diseases
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

I'm a graduate of psychology (UOC), working as a laboratory technique (FPI) in research support.

When I finished high school, I started studying psychology at a distance university, I wanted to learn better English, gain experience, explore other parts of the world and take on more responsibilities by becoming independent. In the meanwhile, I have been working and developing various levels and positions of work.
I have been filling my student curriculum with courses; epigenetics, first aids and food handling, and several languages (Catalan, Spanish, English and Italian). My work experience in Ireland (five years) was more focused on Montessori centre and costumer service. And in Spain's is more focused on administration, marketing and support technique.
I have trained and studied at the University Oberta de Catalunya as a psychologist in Barcelona. My graduation took place in January 2023.
At the beginning of January, I joined the research group of the IRVH (Vall de Hebron). I am dedicated to the collection of documents of interest from the two studies which I am part of, as well, I work with the creation of the database of these stuyes. The studies in which I participate are related to scoliosis, Marfan and Loeys-Dietz. I’m part of the research support, as an FPI lab technician.


Aneurismas degenerativos de la aorta ascendente: ¿están relacionados los fenotipos de dilatación con su etiología, patofisiología y pronóstico?

IP: Jose Fernando Rodríguez Palomares
Collaborators: Guillem Casas Masnou, Ruperto Olivero Soldevila, Alicia Fresno González, Javier Limeres Freire, Lydia Dux-Santoy Hurtado, Laura Fruitós Montané, Raul Aguilar Lopez, Miguel García Gabilondo
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 200000
Reference: PI23/01397
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026

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The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals.

The study on the effects of diesel particles on the heart has been recognized as the best research work from Spain at the association’s Scientific Sessions.

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