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Lorena Villa García

Institutions of which they are part

Predoctoral researcher
Research on Aging, Frailty and Transitions in Barcelona
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Lorena Villa García

Lorena Villa García

Lorena Villa García

Institutions of which they are part

Predoctoral researcher
Research on Aging, Frailty and Transitions in Barcelona
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca


Xarxa R+D+I en Tecnologies de la Salut (Xartec Salut).

IP: Monica Rodriguez Carballeira
Collaborators: Montserrat Juárez Vives, Aida Ribera Sole, Mireia Arnedo Valero, Daniel Sevilla Sánchez, Marcos Pérez Carrasco, Jordi Bañeras Rius, Marta Molins Sauri, Laura Mónica Perez Bazan, Neus Gual Tarrada, Meritxell Jiménez Llahí, Ana Maria De Andres Lázaro, Ignasi Maspons Molins, Cristina Udina Argilaga, Lorena Villa García, Marco Inzitari, Sofia Contreras Medina
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 0.01
Reference: 2022 XARDI 00021
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Integración de la sanidad y el entorno: Amabilidad Urbana para las personas mayores frágiles que viven en Barcelona. +AGIL Barcelona

IP: Laura Mónica Perez Bazan
Collaborators: Aida Ribera Sole, Lorena Villa García
Funding agency: Ajuntament Barcelona
Funding: 59796.5
Reference: 22S09412-0016
Duration: 23/12/2022 - 23/06/2024

RECEP-HAD - Evaluación de resultados y experiencias centrados en la persona y el impacto económico del hospital a domicilio geriátrico integral: necesidad de un conjunto de herramientas multipropósito

IP: Aida Ribera Sole
Collaborators: Karla Salas Gama, Laura Coll Planas, Lorena Villa García
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 75020
Reference: PI22/00845
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025

Recerca en Envelliment, Fragilitat i Transicions a Barcelona

IP: Marco Inzitari
Collaborators: Aida Ribera Sole, Luis Ignacio Soto Bargaria, Daniel Sevilla Sánchez, Laura Mónica Perez Bazan, Neus Gual Tarrada, Ana Maria De Andres Lázaro, Cristina Udina Argilaga, Lorena Villa García
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 0.01
Reference: 2021 SGR 00768
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

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The two centres call on people with a diagnosis of cancer over 65-years-old and living in Barcelona to participate in the trial.

The Barcelona Aging coLLaboratory (BALL) aims to create innovative solutions, with the participation of end users, to improve quality of life and health and social care for the elderly.

Entre els projectes es troben 12 investigacions on participen investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron.

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