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Marc Pellicer Sarasa

Institutions of which they are part

Head and Neck Cancer: Biomedical Research Cancer Stem cells
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Marc Pellicer Sarasa

Institutions of which they are part

Head and Neck Cancer: Biomedical Research Cancer Stem cells
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca


Desenvolupament de noves nanopartícules funcionals dirigides al nòdul limfàtic per a l'eliminació del reservori latent de VIH

IP: María José Buzón Gómez
Collaborators: Ibane Abasolo Olaortua, Félix Pumarola Segura, Juan Lorente Guerrero, Laura García Latorre, Jordi Temprana Salvador, Joaquin Seras Franzoso, Marc Pellicer Sarasa, Simon Schwartz Navarro, Jordi Navarro Mercadé, Sandra Mancilla Zamora, Zamira Vanessa Diaz Riascos, Judit Grau Exposito, Meritxell Genesca Ferrer, Fernanda Raquel Da Silva Andrade, Diana Fernandes de Rafael
Funding agency: Fundació La Marató de TV3
Funding: 199998.75
Reference: 20180510
Duration: 10/05/2019 - 31/12/2022

Oncologia i Patologia Molecular

IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin
Collaborators: Juan Lorente Guerrero, Margarita Alberola Ferranti, Marc Pellicer Sarasa
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Reference: 2014 SGR 1617
Duration: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016

Identificación de nuevas dianas terapéuticas basadas en micro-RNAs sobreexpresados en cáncer

IP: Matilde Lleonart Pajarin
Collaborators: Marc Pellicer Sarasa, Marta Garrido Pontnou, Carmela Iglesias i Felip
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 147015
Reference: PI09/02193
Duration: 01/01/2010 - 30/04/2013

Terapia génica para el tratamiento del MNGIE (Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy). Introducción del gen timidina fosforilasa en líneas celulares humanas y en un doble knock-out murino como modelos experimentales

IP: Ramon Martí Seves
Collaborators: Jordi Barquinero Mañez, Marc Pellicer Sarasa
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 180895
Reference: PI060735
Duration: 01/01/2007 - 30/12/2009

Related news

The sessions were aimed at establishing new collaborations to advance the prevention and treatment of this type of tumour.

On World Cancer Research Day, we highlight research aimed at improving treatments for both pediatric and adult cancers through innovative techniques.

The Biomedical Research in Cancer Stem Cells group at VHIR has identified a new therapeutic target and is working to find new therapies for this type of tumor.

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