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Melissa Bradbury Lobato

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Biomedical Research in Gynaecology
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Ginecologia Oncològica i Patologia del Tracte Genital Inferior
Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Melissa Bradbury Lobato

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Biomedical Research in Gynaecology
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Ginecologia Oncològica i Patologia del Tracte Genital Inferior
Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Research lines

Preinvasive and invasive disease of the lower genital tract research

Research team:

Dr. Melissa Bradbury (Principal researcher)

Dr. Cristina Centeno (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Antonio Gil-Moreno (Principal researcher)

Dr. Carme Dinarés (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Josep Castellví (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Armando Reques (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Angel Garcia (Clinical associated investigator)

Dra. Eva Colás (Translational associated researcher)

Dr. Melek Denizli (Technician)

Research focus


Persistent infections with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes are necessary, but not sufficient, cause of preinvasive and invasive lesions of the cervix and the lower genital tract. Although cancer screening prevention is based on HPV screening and pap-smear tests, it is essential to identify new molecular markers that can predict the transformation of HPV-associated lesions.

In this research line our group is assessing: Identification of molecular markers associated to an increased risk of development, persistence and progression of preinvasive lesions of the lower genital tract.

IP: Melissa Bradbury Lobato

Ovarian Cancer Research

Research team:

Dr. Melissa Bardbury (Principal researcher)

Dr. Antonio Gil-Moreno (Principal researcher)

Dra. Anna Santamaría (Stable collaborator)

Dr. Eva Coll (PhD student)

Dr. Carlos López (PhD student)

Dr. Melek Denizli (Technician)

Dr. José Luís Sánchez Iglesias (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Armando Reques (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Assumpció Pérez-Benavente (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Vicente Bebia Conesa (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Natalia Rodríguez Gómez-Hidalgo (Clinical associated investigator)

Dr. Javier de la Torre Fernández de Vega (Clinical associated investigator)

Research focus


Surgery for advanced ovarian cancer is a stressful stimulus that results in a pro-catabolic hormonal and cytokine environment, which significantly impacts metabolism. This metabolic response is accompanied by immune system impairment, increasing the risk of post-operative complications. In this research line the group is working in a multidisplinary project within the ERAS® program at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital for the: 

Identification of inflammatory markers predicting improved recovery after surgery within an ERAS® protocol.


Ovarian cancer remains the leading cause of death from gynecological malignancies due to its late diagnosis and high recurrence rates following treatment. There is a need to improve the early detection of the disease and identify predictive markers of treatment response. These diagnostic and predictive markers are being identified in proximal body fluids and patient-tissue samples. In this research line, the group has 3 ongoing projects:

Proteomic biomarkers for an improved diagnosis in uterine aspirates and pap-smears.

Proteomic biomarkers for the prediction of treatment response.

SalivOmiX: A salivary miRNA-based test for ovarian cancer early diagnosis.

IP: Melissa Bradbury Lobato, Antonio Gil Moreno


Búsqueda de firmas proteómicas y dianas terapéuticas en el cáncer de ovario seroso de alto grado avanzado resistente a platino

IP: Antonio Gil Moreno
Collaborators: Vicente Bebia Conesa, Francesc Xavier Serra Marin, Marta Rebull Santamaria, Martina Angeles Fite, Ana Luzarraga Aznar, Melissa Bradbury Lobato, Beatriz Villafranca Magdalena, Melek Denizli, Lourdes Elena Salazar Huayna, Lourdes Elena Salazar Huayna
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 196250
Reference: PI24/01509
Duration: 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2027

Recerca biomèdica en ginecologia

IP: Antonio Gil Moreno
Collaborators: Natalia Rodriguez Gómez - Hidalgo, Elena Suarez Salvador, Jose Luis Poza Barrasus, Vicente Bebia Conesa, Angel García Jiménez, Maria Asuncion Perez Benavente, Carina Masferrer Ferragutcasas, Eva Colas Ortega, Sabina Salicrú Riera, Anna Ruano Lopez, Fco Javier De la Torre Fdez de Vega, Montserrat Cubo Abert, Silvia Cabrera Diaz, Laura Mañalich Barrachina, Marta Rebull Santamaria, Mireia Armengol Alsina, Ana Luzarraga Aznar, Irene De la Calle Fuentes, José Luis Sánchez Iglesias, Melissa Bradbury Lobato, Beatriz Villafranca Magdalena, Melek Denizli
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 40000
Reference: 2021 SGR 01157
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Targeting the most aggressive type of endometrial carcinoma

IP: Antonio Gil Moreno
Collaborators: Carina Masferrer Ferragutcasas, Marta Rebull Santamaria, Irene De la Calle Fuentes, Beatriz Villafranca Magdalena, Melek Denizli, Melissa Bradbury Lobato, Raquel Delgado Gil
Funding agency: Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer
Funding: 199250
Reference: GCTRA18014MATI
Duration: 18/02/2019 - 31/10/2024

SalivOmiX: Test basado en el análisis de miRNAS en saliva para la detección precoz de cáncer de ovario.

IP: Anna Santamaria Margalef
Collaborators: Maria Asuncion Perez Benavente, José Luis Sánchez Iglesias, Melissa Bradbury Lobato
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 159720
Reference: PI18/01017
Duration: 01/01/2019 - 30/06/2023

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