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Rafael Parra López

Institutions of which they are part

Head of group
Transfusional Medicine
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Rafael Parra López

Institutions of which they are part

Head of group
Transfusional Medicine
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Research lines

Transfusion and apheresis

Investigation in transfusional activity, the alteration of red blood cells during the conservation period and the usefulness of extracorporeal photoapheresis.

PI: Parra López, Rafael

Researchers in training

Rodríguez Aliberas, Marta

Fernández Sojo, Jesus

IP: Rafael Parra López

Congenital coagulopathies

Investigation in the molecular mechanisms and the genotype-phenotype correlation of coagulopathies, hemorrhagic diathesis and other associated congenital pathologies. Development of tools based on the new technologies of parallel massive sequencing with application to the molecular study, genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis.

PI: Parra López, Rafael and Vidal Pérez, Francisco


Corrales Insa, Irene

Altisent Roca, Carme

Researcher in training:

Borrás Agustí, Nina

Nursing, technical and administrative staff:

Ramírez Orihuela, Lorena

Comes Fernández, Natalia

Garcia, Iris

IP: Rafael Parra López, Francisco Vidal Pérez


Investigación de la base genética de los trastornos hemorrágicos hereditarios mediante herramientas moleculares y bioinformáticas avanzadas y el uso de Inteligencia Artificial.

IP: Irene Corrales Insa
Collaborators: Francisco Vidal Pérez, Rafael Parra López, Lorena Ramirez Orihuela, Iris Garcia Martínez, Carlos Hobeich Naya, Laura Martin Fernandez, Nina Borràs Agustí, Natàlia Comes Fernández
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 177500
Reference: PI23/01672
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026

Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías de secuenciación masiva al diagnóstico molecular de las coagulopatías congénitas

IP: Francisco Vidal Pérez
Collaborators: Rafael Parra López, Irene Corrales Insa, Lorena Ramirez Orihuela, Carmen Altisent Roca
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 56265
Reference: PI12/01494
Duration: 01/01/2013 - 30/04/2016

Use of patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells to improve diagnosis and treatment of hemophilia A

IP: Francisco Vidal Pérez
Collaborators: Rafael Parra López, Irene Corrales Insa, Lluis Martorell Cedres, Lorena Ramirez Orihuela, Carmen Altisent Roca
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 81070
Reference: PI11/03029 (ERANET)
Duration: 01/01/2012 - 30/06/2016

Aplicación de tecnologías optimizadas al diagnóstico molecular de la enfermedad de Von Willebrand: Análisis de la heterogeneidad genética.

IP: Francisco Vidal Pérez
Collaborators: Rafael Parra López, Irene Corrales Insa, Carmen Altisent Roca
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 91113
Reference: PI080385
Duration: 01/01/2009 - 31/03/2012

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