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Silvia Arévalo Martínez

Sóc Obstetra especialitzada de medicina fetal i cirurgia fetal.

Institutions of which they are part

Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Head of Section
Foetal Medicine
Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Silvia Arévalo Martínez

Institutions of which they are part

Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca
Head of Section
Foetal Medicine
Children's Hospital and Woman's Hospital

Sóc Obstetra especialitzada de medicina fetal i cirurgia fetal.

Des de 2006 treballo a l'àrea de Patologia Materna i Fetal i des de 2007 més centralitzada en la patologia fetal, de la que sóc responsable des del 2017 i cap de secció des de 2018. Les meves súper especialitzats són les complicacions de gestacions gemel·lars monocorials, les cardiopaties congènites i l'assessorament i tractament de la espina bífida.


Grup de Recerca en Medicina Materna i Fetal

IP: -
Collaborators: Ma Teresa Higueras Sanz, Maria Ángeles Sánchez Durán, Silvia Arévalo Martínez, Anna Suy Franch, Maria del Mar Goya Canino, Carlota Rodó Rodríguez, Elena Carreras Moratonas, Augusto Cesar Sao Aviles, Elisa Llurba Olivé, Maite Avilés García
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Reference: 2009 SGR 537
Duration: 01/01/2010 - 30/04/2014

Related news

A study led by Dr. Manel Mendoza from Vall d’Hebron shows that studying the levels of placental markers is as effective as Doppler ultrasounds, the standard method for classifying the risk of pregnancies with low birth weight fetuses.

The meeting was an opportunity to get to know projects from both institutions and to promote interaction between professionals.

Dr. Elizabeth Echoka proposes a digital platform to monitor obstetric risks in pregnant women in underserved populations.

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