Sunny Malhotra Sareen I am a biomedical researcher who serves as the Principal Investigator at the Clinical Neuroimmunology Unit of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute. Institutions of which they are part Main researcher Clinical Neuroimmunology Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Sunny Malhotra Sareen LinkedIn Twitter Orcid Email Institutions of which they are part Main researcher Clinical Neuroimmunology Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca I am a biomedical researcher who serves as the Principal Investigator at the Clinical Neuroimmunology Unit of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute.
As the Principal Investigator, I have a strong commitment to Translational Research and a solid background in biomedical sciences. My expertise lies in the discovery of biomarkers through genetic indicators and gene expression, particularly in identifying new therapeutic targets for neurological diseases. Additionally, I have over a decade of involvement in pharmacogenetics, genomics, and inflammasome biology studies. I have received training from various institutions, including the National Institute of Immunology (New Delhi), the Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (New Delhi), Progenika Biopharma, and UKE Hamburg. Dr. Malhotra has developed research lines funded by the Carlos III Health Institute during the periods 2017-2019 and 2021-2024. Selected awards/grants granted to the PI include: "Novartis Award" for the best oral communication; "Extraordinary Award" of the year for his "Doctorate" (UPF); "Merck Solidarity Award" for multiple sclerosis of the year; "Hope Award" for multiple sclerosis of the year; "Marie Curie Fellowship": as a predoctoral researcher; "Educational Fellowship": from ECTRIMS (Boston); "PERIS Fellowship": as a postdoctoral researcher. I serve as a lecturer and have extensive experience reviewing research articles in international journals. I am a member of various scientific editorial committees and have supervised master's and doctoral theses with 'Cum Laude' honors. I am a member of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) Committee at the center, with the main motto of promoting excellence in science in Europe. In general, my primary research focus includes neuroinflammatory/neurodegenerative diseases and the search for new biomarkers/therapeutic target objectives and drug discovery.
Projects United Europeans for the development of Pharmacogenomics in Multiple Sclerosis (UEPHA-MS) Grant Agreement Nº 212877 IP: Manuel Comabella Lopez Collaborators: Sunny Malhotra Sareen, Jordi Rio Izquierdo, Xavier Montalban Gairín, Carmen Espejo Ruiz Funding agency: EUROPEAN COMMISSION Funding: 185749.7 Reference: UEPHA-MS_FP7PEOPLE_ITN2008 Duration: 15/09/2008 - 14/09/2012 REEM - Red Española de Esclerosis Múltiple IP: Xavier Montalban Gairín Collaborators: Carlos Nos Llopis, Sunny Malhotra Sareen, Jaume Sastre Garriga, Jordi Rio Izquierdo, Fco. Javier Aymerich Martínez, Ingrid Galán Cartaña, Rosalia Horno Ocaña, Manuel Comabella Lopez, Carmen Tur Gomez, Herena Eixarch Ahufinger, Montserrat Moreno Sánchez, Alex Rovira Cañellas, Mar Tintore Subirana, M Jesus Arevalo Navines, Dunia Muñoz Valdivielso, Carmen Espejo Ruiz, Angela Vidal Jordana, Joaquin Castillo Justribo, Mireia Castillo Juarez, Nicolás Miguel Fissolo Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Funding: 364373.77 Reference: RD07/0060/0020 Duration: 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2014 Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Current page 4