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Trond Aasen

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Translational Molecular Pathology
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Trond Aasen

Institutions of which they are part

Main researcher
Translational Molecular Pathology
Vall Hebron Institut de Recerca

Research lines

Expression analysis and functional elucidation of connexins and pannexins in relation to human cancer progression and malignancy.

Connexins and pannexins are structural units of gap junctions permitting direct intercellular communication. Deregulation of gap junctions is a frequent feature of carcinogenesis. We are characterizing the expression level of a variety of connexins and pannexins in primary and metastatic human tumours. In vitro we are studying how these proteins affect features related to the degree of malignancy such as migration, invasion and resistance to hypoxia.  In connexin-deficient cell lines we are over-expressing specific wild-type or truncated forms of connexins and pannexins using retroviral constructs recently generated. In cell lines expressing high levels of specific connexins, we knockdown the expression levels using established lentiviral shRNA strategies. We aim to correlate connexin expression and cell communication with malignancy using a variety of well characterized assays with particular focus on colony formation, migration, invasion, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, changes in tumour stem cell populations, and hypoxia and drug resistance. The aim of the study is to: 1) Identify any significant correlation between the expression of various gap junction proteins and the malignancy, prognosis, chemo-resistance and overall survival in a variety of cancers 2) Gain mechanistic insight and identify direct functional roles of connexins and pannexins during tumour progression. 

IP: Trond Aasen


Patologia molecular translacional

IP: Santiago Ramon y Cajal Agüeras
Collaborators: Cleofé Romagosa Pérez-Portabell, Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro, Jordi Temprana Salvador, Teresa Moline Marimon, Jessica Camacho Soriano, Carmela Iglesias i Felip, Josep Castellví Vives, Elena Muro Blanc, Marta Cano Galietero, Elena Antima Martinez Saez, Javier Hernandez Losa, Marta Sese Faustino, Vicente Peg Camara, Irene Sansano Valero, Trond Aasen, Stefan Hummer
Funding agency: Agència Gestió Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Funding: 40000
Reference: 2021 SGR 01138
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2025

Protuberancias intercelulares reguladas por Cx43 en cáncer: elucidación funcional, descubrimiento de objetivos, desarrollo de biomarcadores y detección de tumores

IP: Trond Aasen
Collaborators: Maria Rosa Somoza Lopez de Haro, Jordi Temprana Salvador, Teresa Moline Marimon, Marta Sese Faustino, Irene Sansano Valero, Stefan Hummer
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 147620
Reference: PI21/00470
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2026


IP: Inmaculada Fuentes Camps
Collaborators: Miquel Vila Bover, Anna Meseguer Navarro, José García Arumí, Joan Gavaldà Santapau, Miguel Segura Ginard, Maria Nieves Martell Pérez-Alcalde, Victor Franco Puntes, Anna Santamaria Margalef, Carmen Espejo Ruiz, María José Buzón Gómez, Javier Inserte Igual, Anna Rosell Novel, Eduardo Fidel Tizzano, Trond Aasen
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 502000
Reference: EQC2019-006247-P
Duration: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020

Ministerio de Ciencia

Exploración de la interacción clave entre las uniones tipo gap y los nanotubos de túnel en cáncer

IP: Trond Aasen
Collaborators: -
Funding agency: Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer
Funding: 20000
Reference: AECC/SEMILLA/2019/TROND_2
Duration: 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2022

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