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Diagnostic Nanotools (DINA)

At Diagnostic Nanotools, we work to ameliorate the diagnosis of diseases. On the one hand, we produce rapid assays and electrochemical biosensors, with a special emphasis on point-of-care diagnosis of infectious diseases.

In this context, we develop single-step immunoassays, classical biosensors (in which a sensor is modified with bioreceptors for the specific detection of the analyte of interest) and magneto-biosensors (in which the assay is performed on magnetic particles). We explore the implementation of nanomaterials to obtain improved transducers and as signal amplifiers to generate faster and more sensitive biosensors. We also seek to automate the tests using extremely simple and economical paper microfluidics. On the other hand, we are developing "synthrocytes," a synthetic reagent that could replace animal erythrocytes in the hemagglutination assays used currently for the global surveillance of influenza viruses and in the control of vaccine production.


Meniar Ben Jaballah

Meniar Ben Jaballah

Research assistant
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Sahar Lahouar

Sahar Lahouar

Predoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Meniar Ben Jaballah

Meniar Ben Jaballah

Research assistant
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Sahar Lahouar

Sahar Lahouar

Predoctoral researcher
Diagnostic nanotools (DINA)
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Desarrollo de tests rápidos y ultrasensibles para infecciones respiratorias

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Judit Prat Trunas
Funding agency: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-MICINN
Funding: 73810
Reference: PID2020-118904RB-C22
Duration: 01/09/2021 - 30/08/2024

Ministerio de Ciencia

Synthetic Erythrocytes for the Surveillance of Infectious Diseases

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Maria Urpí Castany, Haridian Tato Mateo
Funding agency: Fundació "La Caixa"
Funding: 238920
Reference: CC21-20120
Duration: 31/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Dispositivo cuantitativo y estable para el diagnótico point-of-care. EuroNanoMed Call 2021 (VHIR coordinator)

IP: Eva Baldrich Rubio
Collaborators: Israel Molina Romero, Adrián Sánchez Montalvá, Elena Sulleiro Igual, Judit Prat Trunas, Menyar Ben Jaballah
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funding: 214333.35
Reference: AC21_2/00021
Duration: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024



A project to develop a compact, inexpensive and easy to use device for mass screening for malaria.

Ana Sánchez és investigadora predoctoral del grup Diagnostic Nanotools del VHIR i la seva tesi es centra en l’ús de cèl·lules sintètiques per millorar el control de pandèmies de grip.

With this grant the project Synthetic cells to improve the control of viral infections will receive support to accelerate its arrival to society.

Job offers

Research Technician - Biosensor development for malaria quantitative diagnosis
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Licensed Research Technician Diagnostic Nanotools Research Group
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Full-time Researcher – New method for virus detection - Diagnostic Nanotools Research Group.
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