Allowing today’s children and adolescents to become tomorrow’s adult role models Our Paediatric Research Hub allows us to promote research in the fields of paediatrics and adolescence. In doing so, it highlights the centre’s vast expertise while uniting efforts and capabilities in order to undertake global change initiatives that allow us to achieve the objectives agreed upon by the entire community of professionals who participate in paediatric and adolescence research at the Vall d'Hebron Campus. Discover the hub's groups See more The Hub in figures 30 30 Of all the VHIR’s groups participate in paediatric research 5 5 Research groups focusing exclusively on paediatrics 26 26 PIs focusing exclusively on paediatrics 353 353 Publications 3,205 3K Impact factor (total) 8 8 Impact Factor (average) 58 58 % publications Q1 167 167 Ongoing paediatric clinical trials 71 71 Ongoing competitive paediatric projects Consult the evolution in graphics From research to healthcare Mission: To promote, develop and transfer the paediatric research work undertaken at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. Through excellence in our research work, we improve the health and quality of life of children and adolescents. Vision: We want Vall d'Hebron’s paediatric research work to become a global benchmark which has a positive impact on the health and quality of life of paediatric patients and society in general. Strategic lines Pediatric clinical trials As leaders in research, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute are involved in many clinical trials to children and adolescents. In this list you will be able to consult the pediatric clinical trials in which they are working, as well as the phase in which it is and if there has active recruitment. See clinical trials Organization chart Documentation of strategic lines Organization and structure Clinical Trials and Advanced Therapies Training, mentoring and research promotion Innovation and knowledge transfer Collaboration, reference networks and fundraising Active patients participation Today Related news A study presented by Vall d’Hebron has been awarded Best Communication at the ESPN The communication is part of a study aimed at identifying the mechanisms of progression of Familial Hypomagnesemia with Hypercalciuria and Nephrocalcinosis, a rare disease that affects the kidneys. Neonatal detection of sickle cell disease in Catalonia reduces complications A study jointly led by the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) confirms the effectiveness of neonatal screening in reducing morbidity among children with sickle cell disease (SCD). Laura Batlle-Masó Appointed Junior Country Representative for the ESID This appointment is an international recognition of VHIR's immunodeficiency research. See more Do you want to collaborate with us? With your help we can increase knowledge of the different parologies that affect children and adolescents, improve diagnosis and discover new therapeutic approaches that have an impact on the quality of life of patients and their families. More information