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Research Group of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

The aim of this group is to develop translational and clinical research in rehabilitation. From the lab-based cellular level of understanding injury to rehabilitation and recovery, our researchers are dedicated to the development and translation of more effective strategies to promote prevention, functional recovery, and improved quality of life after disability.

Our vision: make disability preventable, liveable and curable.

Our mission: conduct research and training towards the development and translation of more effective strategies to promote prevention, functional recovery, and improved quality of life after disability.

Principal investigators, investigators and associate members come together from many different departments at the Rehabilitation Service and reflecting the wide breadth of expertise through the disability. The principal investigators and researchers include professors in Universitat Autònoma and Universitat Blanquerna.

Special objectives in innovation areas with in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies (pluripotencial cells, botulinum toxins), other biotechnology companies (diagnosis, prevention and management), participating in technology transference projects with other research groups, and involvement in projects and networks endorsed by European Scientific Societies.

The Research Group of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation collaborates with the University of Andorra (UdA), specifically with Mercè Avellanet's team; and with the Universitat Jaume I of Valencia (UJI), team of Carlos Suso.


Xavier Buxo Masip

Xavier Buxo Masip

Predoctoral researcher
Research Group of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Xurxo Segura Navarro

Xurxo Segura Navarro

Predoctoral researcher
Research Group of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Xavier Buxo Masip

Xavier Buxo Masip

Predoctoral researcher
Research Group of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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Xurxo Segura Navarro

Xurxo Segura Navarro

Predoctoral researcher
Research Group of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
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The creation of hybrid digital-human interaction spaces between avatars and people offers new opportunities for personalized medicine

En la mateixa trobada la SEP va decidir atorgar per primera vegada una beca per fer formació a l'estranger de dos mesos. La beca es va atorgar a la Dra. Teresa Crespo, adjunta a la Unitat de Lesionats Medul·lars de Vall d’Hebron.

Entre els projectes es troben 12 investigacions on participen investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron.