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Stroke Research

The search for quality and innovation has always been an inherent part of the activity of the Stroke Research Group and represents the common thread that leads us to excellence and continuous improvement.

In recent years, the Stroke Research Group has established itself as a leader in the management, recruitment and international coordination of multicenter clinical trials, as well as in the development of patents for new thrombectomy devices and the creation of new technological solutions and digital platforms to improve the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of stroke patients. Robust strategic alliances have also been consolidated with public and private entities that ensure the viability and scalability of the research projects initiated in our group.

The Stroke Research Group is made up of a transversal and multidisciplinary team that shares a common idea: to contribute from its area of knowledge to the care and management of stroke through the effective transfer of knowledge and the complementarity of the processes of clinical research.



The Consortium will create a platform to facilitate a personalised management for stroke patients, enabling a more efficient personalized monitoring and patient follow up.

Funding is key to bringing the neuroprotective drug ApTOLL to market and providing a new therapeutic option for the patients.

The award is a recognition for his significant contribution to the development of research in multiple sclerosis within the Catalan Institute of Health.

Job offers

Data Entry/Study Coordinator - Stroke Research
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Neurologist specialist - Neurovascular Diseases Group
Start date:
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Neurologist specialist - Neurovascular Diseases
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End date:
Document: Download