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All the latest news and information on the main advances in research, institutional milestones, teaching and management. Find out what happens at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute!

A new consortium of leading organizations embarks on a groundbreaking project to enhance patient triage and healthcare delivery.

UMBRELLA, a consortium of over 20 public and private partners, kicks off this week with the aim of revolutionising the entire stroke care pathway in Europe by adopting a holistic approach that covers stroke diagnosis, prevention and care.

The Consortium will create a platform to facilitate a personalised management for stroke patients, enabling a more efficient personalized monitoring and patient follow up.

Funding is key to bringing the neuroprotective drug ApTOLL to market and providing a new therapeutic option for the patients.

The award is a recognition for his significant contribution to the development of research in multiple sclerosis within the Catalan Institute of Health.

This is a RACECAT secondary study published in JAMA Neurology that focuses on intracerebral haemorrhages.

Smartwatches are a practical, low-cost, noninvasive method that helps in the early detection of atrial fibrillations in some patients, which increase the risk of recurrent stroke.

The end result of the initiative will be a platform that will flag risk factors and predict potential patient complications

The data was presented during the opening main plenary session at the International Stroke Conference held this week in Dallas, USA.

Divuit hores de programa solidari recull més de 8 milions d'euros per lluitar contra les malalties del cor. A Catalunya, una de cada quatre persones moren a causa d'una malaltia del cor o un ictus

La 26a Conferència Anual, centrada en els mecanismes i tractaments de la migranya, ha anat a càrrec de Lars Edvinsson, Peter Goadsby, Michael Moskowitz i Jes Olesen, neuròlegs referents en la recerca en cefalea.

The international study has identified 89 genes involved in the risk of developing a stroke, 61 of which had not been previously described.

Entre els projectes es troben 12 investigacions on participen investigadors i investigadores de Vall d’Hebron.

Vall d’Hebron was one of the study promoters, which determined the most effective transfer circuits for patients with severe stroke.

Entre els projectes més rellevants en Covid-19 destaca la participació del VHIR en assaigs clínics per provar l’eficàcia i seguretat de vacunes com ara Janssen, Pfizer-BioNTech en el col·lectiu d’embarassades, i Hipra.

Direct brain administration through the carotid artery of nanomaterials carrying drugs that boost tissue recovery could be an effective method to reduce the undesirable effects in other organs and improve the arrival of the drug into the brain.

A multicenter study, led by neurologists at the Research Instituto of the Sant Pau Hospital and with the participation of the main Catalan hospitals, analyses the relationship between stroke and COVID.

An analysis of thrombi would allow the cause of a stroke to be detected and therefore permit the selection of an appropriate treatment to prevent a stroke and to carry out a more thorough follow-up.

The grant will allow to carry out a validation study of a digital tool for monitoring patients with advanced diabetic kidney disease.