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07/12/2024 - 08:15

2nd PhD Day Vall d'Hebron

Ubicació Sala d’actes de la planta 1 del Pavelló Docent
Etiqueta Jornades

8:15h-9h. Registration desk

9:15h-9:30h. Introduction and Welcome 

9:30h-10:30h. PhD students Short Talks 1

0:30h-11h. Coffee break

11h-12h. PhD students Short Talks 

12h-13h. Keynote talk: Dr. Daniel Truhn, MD, MSc, Head of Radiology at RWTH Aachen University.

13h-14h. Lunch

14h-15:30h. Panel Discussion: Careers in Academia and Industry. Dra. Irene Marco Rius, Junior group leader, "la Caixa" Foundation - BIST Chemical Biology Programme at IBEC. Dr. Evan Floden, CEO of Seqera. Dra. Maruxa Martínez, Digital media and Scientific affairs at PRBB and Associate Professor. Dr. Malte Beringer, Grant Consultant, Scientific Editor and Trainer.

15:30-16h. Coffee break 

16h-17h. PhD Day Thesis Contest

17h-17:10h. Closing

17:15h-19h. Networking (only for PhD researchers)