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06/20/2024 - 12:00

LGTBQIA+ Community at VHIR – Equality, diversity and inclusion in health research institutions

Ubicació Sala d’actes de la planta baixa de l'Hospital de Traumatologia, Rehabilitació i Cremats
Etiqueta Jornades

12:00 Welcoming session by Anna Santamaria, Internat Strategy director, VHIR

12:10 Impact and RRI Office at VHIR 

Sara Mas, responsible of Social Impact and RRI, Internal Strategy directorate, VHIR

12:20 LGTBQIA+ Working Group at VHIR

LGTBQIA+ Group members

12:30 LGTBQIA+ annex at the VHIR Gender Equality Plan

LGTBQIA+ Group members & HR Unit

12:45 An LGTBQIA+ mailbox at VHIR

LGTBQIA+ Group members

13:00 LGBTQIA+ Diversity in STEM

 Tiago Botelho, PhD – PRISMA entity

Abstract: workshop to raise awareness to the public about the LGTBQIA+ realities in the environment of Sicence, Technology and Innovation. Content addresses concepts on affective-sexual and gender diversity, importance of diversity in science, improvements for diversity and equality in STEM

13:45 Closing

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