About the VHIR
Here at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) we promote biomedical research, innovation and teaching. Over 1,800 people are seeking to understand diseases today so the treatment can be improved tomorrow.
We are working to understand diseases, to find out how they operate and to create better treatments for patients. Get to know about our groups and their lines of research.
People are the centre of the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR). This is why we are bound by the principles of freedom of research, gender equality and professional attitudes that HRS4R promotes.
Clinical trials
Our work is not just basic or translational; we are leaders in clinical research. Enter and find about the clinical trials we are conducting and why we are a world reference in this field.
Our aim is to make the research carried out at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) a driving force for transformation. How? By identifying new channels and solutions for the promotion of people's health and well-being.
Core facilities
We offer specialist support for researchers, internal and external alike, ranging from specific services to preparing complete projects. All this, from a perspective of quality and speed of response.
We offer you a gateway for staying up to date on everything going on at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), from the latest news to future solidarity activities and initiatives that we are organising.
Dr. Juan Carlos Ruíz Hospital Vall d'Hebron. Barcelona
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La Dirección del curso anunciará las personas admitidas, así como la forma de pago de la inscripción que deberá realizarse máximo en los 3 días siguientes a la notificación para poder garantizar la plaza.
Anulaciones realizadas antes del 28 marzo se devolverá el 50% de la inscripción, a partir del 28 de marzo no se admitirán cancelaciones de inscripción.
Secretaría Técnica actividades formativas externas Mail: inscripcions@aulavallhebron.cat tel: 693.785.436
Curs 'Suport vital avançat en cirurgia cardíaca (CALS)'
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