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2nd Meeting of the Business Council of VHIR



Chaired by Lluís Bassat, the Council is made up of 15 outstanding representatives of the economic, business and biotechnology world who advise the Management and the Board of the Institute.

Last January 25th, the Business Council of VHIR met for the second time, which was set up two years ago. Chaired by Lluís Bassat, the Council consists of 15 prominent representatives of the economic world, biotechnology and business that advise in the management and the Board of Trustees of the Institute and help identify opportunities, engage in joint projects and facilitate access to public and private resources. In addition to Lluís Bassat as President, it is formed by representatives from the following companies and organizations: ASEBIO, FENIN, CataloniaBIO, Specific Pig, Ferrer Group, La Caixa Bank Foundation, AMETIC, Mondragon Health, Roche Diagnostics, Banc Sabadell, Laboratoris Esteve and BIOCAT.After the presentation of the new members, the Direction of the VHIR explained to Council members the institutional, scientific and economic results of 2017, which were rated as excellent in consensual way. The various area managers of the Institute summarize the highlights in scientific production, relationship with the industry and leadership in clinical trials. In addition to the results, one of the main changes since the creation of the Council was explained, the concept of Vall d'Hebron Campus, and how the synergy of the four institutions that make it up have to be beneficial to the interests of all entities.The second part of the meeting was devoted to explaining new present and future projects, such as the activation of the Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) Policy and the importance of the research at Vall d'Hebron in the newly founded alliance of European hospitals. The star theme was the New Research Building project. To discuss it in detail, the meeting had Jordi Badia, partner of BAAS Architects, winners of the architectural competition, who explained the characteristics of the urban transformation of the Campus and the new space that will be shared by all those who research at the Institute. The Council commended the project and expressed its full support, committing itself to helping to find ways of financing and disseminating the importance of the project to its contacts.The members of the Council agreed to meet biannually to intensify their relationship with VHIR and share more systematically their results to accompany the Institute more effectively in its objective of participating in more economic and business projects and finding the best partners to make it possible.

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