28/10/2013 Alzheimer's study identifies 11 new genes implicated in the disease 28/10/2013 Dr. Mercè Boada has participated in the study of the IGAP international consortium, published in Nature Genetics Dr. Mercè Boada, head of the Alzheimer’s research group at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), has taken part in the study of the International Genomics of Alzheimer’s Project consortium, which has identified 11 new genes associated to the disorder. The findings double the previous risk factors that were related to the possibility of suffering Alzheimer’s and represent a major step towards understanding the genetic basis of dementia. The study, published in "http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ng.2802.html" Nature Genetics, analyzed the genome of nearly 75,000 Alzheimer’s patients, using Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) and Bioinformatics techniques. As a result, researchers isolated 4 genes related to the disease in the first phase, and 7 in the second phase. The work gives researchers new therapeutic targets to develop further research against Alzheimer’s disease. Several Spanish researchers participate in the international consortium, by the Spanish Consortium of Dementia Genetics (DEGESCO). This Spanish consortium is promoted jointly by nearly ten groups from the national health system and the "http://ciberned.es/" CIBERNED network on neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Boada analyzed samples from "http://www.fundacioace.com/eng/index.php?idioma=eng" ACE Foundation in Barcelona of which she’s the medical director. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp