28/07/2015 Andrés Iniesta encourages you to run the VI Nick Horta Race for VHIR research 28/07/2015 Andrés Iniesta encourages you to run the VI Nick Horta Race for VHIR research On September 20th will take place the sixth edition of the http://www.nickspa.com/ca/pagina/cursa/cursa" Nick Horta Race with an important change: all the benefits raised will fund the research carried out at Vall d'Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR). The Barça player and VHIR's ambassador, Andrés Iniesta, endorses the race and encourages you to run the 5 kilometers for a good cause.Behind the organization of the race is the athlete http://www.vhir.org/salapremsa/noticies/noticies_detall.asp?Idioma=en&mv1=5&mv2=3&mh1=0&mh2=0&mh3=0&mh4=0&ms=0&any=2014&num=170" María José Moscoso, from Nick Spa gym, who in January of 2013 was diagnosed with hepatic cancer and after a few months, received a liver transplantation at Vall d'Hebron hospital. She says that since then, her life changed and that was one of the reasons why she organizes this race: "I had to leave the elite sport and I started a new stage in my life with a clear goal: to contribute to the fight against cancer". In the 5th edition of the race, Maria José and her colleagues raised 8,000 euros for research in liver transplantation.This edition will have the main race of 5km, that will start at 9AM from Tajo street and will finish in Plaça Eivissa, and the race for children of 1.5km that will start at 9.30AM at Rembrand street. The race is open to everybody and will coincide with the local celebrations of the Horta district. http://www.nickspa.com/ca/pagina/cursa/cursa" Registrations are open until September 17th, or until the 1,000 runners registered. The race is sponsored by Mémora group, Serveis Funeraris de Barcelona and Astellas. Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp