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Camping Laguna donates nearly 3,200 euros for child cancer research at VHIR



The clients and the direction of the camping, located in Castelló d'Empúries, held a charity raffle for Joan Silva, a young patient treated at Vall d'Hebron.

The clients and the direction of the" Camping Laguna, located inside the Nature Park "Aiguamolls de l'Empordà", in the town of Castelló d'Empúries, wanted to do something for a fighter, Joan Silva, who is being treated at the Oncohematology Service at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital. The campers wanted to help him and his family, because some of his relatives are working in the camping.For that reason, last month they celebrated the Oktober Fest, a party for the closing of the season that included for the first time a charity raffle. The clients and the management staff of the camping gave objects for the cause, and the owners of the camping said that they will double the money raised with the aim to contribute to child cancer research.The initiative was a success: they raised 3,164 euros that Joan, very proud, has already given to the team of doctors and researchers who are healing him, led at VHIR by Dr. Josep Sánchez de Toledo.The money raise will fund the studies carried out by the Translational Research in Child and Adolescent Cancer group, which is devoted to find new diagnostic methods and new treatments to combat cancer in these ages. The group is directly linked to the Oncology and Hematology Pediatric Service that is a national and international centre of reference for the treatment of cancer and the hematologic diseases during childhood. Their experience, human resources and technology allow them to offer an integral and multidisciplinary attention to patients and their families, covering all the diagnostic procedures and the most advanced treatments.

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