14/04/2011 The Catalan government honours Dr. Simon Schwartz Riera with the ‘Creu de Sant Jordi’ 14/04/2011 Dr. Simon Schwartz Riera, who created the Vall d'Hebron Foundation for Research in 1994 and former responsible for the CIBBIM-Nanomedicine at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), has been honoured with the ‘Creu de Sant Jordi’, the maximum honor by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Along with 28 other individuals and 15 organizations, Dr. Schwartz will receive the award on 27 April. The Government outlines how as merits for the recognition "his pioneering work in our country in many aspects of biomedical research. Has been, among other health and academic dedication, medical director of Hospital General Universitario Vall d'Hebron, always with the challenge of finding new ways to advance science, human health and welfare. " "http://premsa.gencat.cat/pres_fsvp/AppJava/notapremsavw/detall.do?id=106890&idioma=0&departament=47&canal=48" More information Dr. Simon Schwartz Riera, who created the Vall d'Hebron Foundation for Research in 1994 and former responsible for the CIBBIM-Nanomedicine at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), has been honoured with the ‘Creu de Sant Jordi’, the maximum honor by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Along with 28 other individuals and 15 organizations, Dr. Schwartz will receive the award on 27 April. The Government outlines how as merits for the recognition "his pioneering work in our country in many aspects of biomedical research. Has been, among other health and academic dedication, medical director of Hospital General Universitario Vall d'Hebron, always with the challenge of finding new ways to advance science, human health and welfare. " Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Whatsapp