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'A child, a smile' raises 8,000 euros for research in child cancer at VHIR



Dr. Sánchez de Toledo received the donation in a ceremony hosted at Barcelona City Hall

The campaign ‘Un niño, una sonrisa’ (a child, a smile) collected 23,000 euros to fund research in child cancer and to organize a summer camp in Menorca for children recovered from cancer. The research group in Translational Research in Child Cancer at Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR), led by Dr. Josep Sánchez de Toledo, and the "" Fundació Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) received 8,000 euros each.With this contribution, Dr. Sánchez de Toledo aims to study in depth the retinoblastoma, a child cancer that develops in the cells of retina: “Firstly, we always want to preserve life, but then, it is also crucial to preserve the organ and the vision”. VHIR’s researchers will work together with IDIBELL’s scientists to study the genetic alterations which cause this type of tumor.The ceremony was hosted the 16th of March at the Barcelona’s City Council, with the presence of the health responsible of the local government, Cristina Iniesta, the group leader at VHIR, Dr. Sánchez de Toledo, the director of the program at IDIBELL, Dr. Manel Esteller, and the responsibles of the fundraising campaign. The funds were collected from several charity concerts.

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